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DFWAA Monthly Newsletters Below

  • Wednesday, January 05, 2022 6:06 PM | Anonymous

    This Month's Newsletter is sponsored by The Christian "Tre" Morales Foundation. See below on how you can support this Houston based foundation on their mission against drunk driving below. 

    Click to edit your member profile http://odpdaa.wildapricot.org/Sys/Profile.

    Reset your password: http://odpdaa.wildapricot.org/Sys/ResetPasswordRequest

    Want Monthly event reminders? Join our Remind Text Group here >  https://www.remind.com/join/6k8hd6

    click here to follow our Monthly DFWAA Meeting Invite 

    Please enjoy our January Newsletter below:

    Chairman Message: 

    Happy New Year Everyone! 

    I hope this newsletter finds you all in good health. It's officially 2022 and I am excited to be beginning a 2nd year as your elected DFWAA Chairman. We have some great plans for this year, I hope that you will consider renewing your membership to join us in 2022. Our first membership drive event will be free wing night. Hope to see yall out, and let's get to work! 

    Yours in Service,

    Mike Dominguez

    December Wrap Up:


    Thank you for Supporting our

    2021 Elf Toy Drive!

    Thanks to your support, we were able to raise $1,000 for our 2021 Elf Toy Drive! Our Elf volunteers met up for Brunch and Christmas shopping on the 19th to shop for gifts. All of the gifts purchased this year were donated to the North Texas Child Advocacy Center!

    What's Going on in January

    We wish the best to all of our members that are celebrating their birthday's this January! 

    Mike Dominguez - Alpha Chapter

    Anthony Hernandez - Beta Epsilon Chapter

    Gustavo Martinez - Alpha Omicron Chapter

    Robert Villa - Delta Chapter

    Arturo Guerrero - Beta Xi Chapter

    David Preciado - Alpha Omicron Chapter

    Fernando Vazquez - Sigma Chapter

    Andrew Njo - Alpha Omicron Chapter

    Introducing your 2022 Leadership!

    Thank you to all of the brothers that have taken up the call to join the DFWAA leadership in 2022. We still have a few spots and committees still open. If you are interested in joining the leadership team, reply to this email for more info.

    Chairman: Mike Dominguez

    Vice Chairman: Rudy Ramirez

    Treasurer: Pending. Vote Tabled until Jan 11th

    Secretary: Regulo Castaneda

    Community Engagement Chair (OPEN): Seeking Candidate

    Plans social events, and membership Drive events

    Community Service Chair: Steven Olson

    Scholarship Chair: Roy Ferretiz

    Knights Classic Chair: Jose Lara

    Public Relations/ Social Media: Long Le

    Historian (OPEN): Seeking Candidate

    Documents events by taking photos and attendance sign in

    Fundraising Chair: Roy Ferretiz

    Graduation Gala: Mike Dominguez

    Chaplain: Domingo Ponce

    January New Member Dinner

    Thursday Jan. 20th

    Details: Our first event in our membership Drive. Let's get the year started right with good food and great company.

    All are welcome to join us.

    All paid 2022 members will be provided free wings for attending this event. Renew your membership today

    RSVP for this event so we can reserve a table

    DFWAA is Giving Away a Playstation 5!


    Still trying to get your hands on the elusive PS5?!? The DFWAA has one in our possession and would be happy to put it in your hands. Grab your tickets today!

    DFWAA will deliver PS5 to winner in the DFW, or ship within the USA if needed.

    For Zelle Ticket Sales, please include your Email address in the memo on your payment, or reply to this email with a screenshot of your confirmation.


    Kick'n It With Tre
    Houston Kickball Tournament

    Jan. 23rd 

    Details: 3rd Annual Kickin' It With Tre kickball tournament. Proceeds will go to the Christian "Tre" Morales Foundation Scholarship.

    Teams are up to 12 members. Must have same number of girls and guys on team.

    About: This event is in honor of Christian “Tre” Morales, as we raise awareness to stop drinking and driving and give back to the youth with scholarship donations. and is hosted at Texas Baseball Tournaments (AKA The Rac). The day-long tournament is a family-friendly event that will bring everybody together for some great fun! This event is a No drinking and driving event. There will be no alcohol served. Please do not have any alcohol in the facility, including the parking lot

    When: Sat Jan 29th

    Where: Houston,TX

    How: More information and Sign ups here 

    Next Month 

  • Tuesday, October 05, 2021 12:21 PM | Anonymous

    This Month's Newsletter is sponsored by our Knights Classic Title sponsor, Liberty Realty Advisors. JJ Chapa and his team have been huge supporters of the DFWAA over the years, please think of them the next time your thinking of buying or selling a home. Thank you for your support!

    Chairman Message:

    Happy October brothers!

    The smell of mesquite is in the air, as tailgate season has finally come to the DFW. Its the time of year when all you need is a fold out chair, a filled cooler, and a for your teams kicker to miraculously pull 40 points so you can win your fantasy week matchup.

    I am forever thankful to all of the brothers that have continued to support the DFWAA during the year. With the Knight's Classic coming up on Friday, and the 5th Annual DFWAA Gala following close behind, it is great to see all out our hard work throughout the year come together into our two biggest events of the year!

    Don't worry, we still have plenty of work to do over the next couple months, and the DFW is always grateful for volunteers willing to help us organize/run our events. Curious about how you can help out the DFW? simply reply to this email, or send text/call me at 682-551-4000.

    Thank you for your time in reading this newsletter, and lets all pray Mahome's leads my fantasy team to victory this week!

    Your Humblest of Chairmen,

    Mike Dominguez

    UTA AlumKnight Event Introduces 2021 Rush Interests to DFW Brothers

    We would like to thank the undergraduate TAU chapter at UTA for allowing local alumni to join in their rush schedule last month. Alumni had the opportunity to meet with, answer questions, and share their experiences with the 2021 interests at the University of Texas at Arlington. Though it is hard to describe our brotherhood to outsiders looking in, it was inspiring to hear about the journeys, the struggles, and the great memories that our alumni have experienced through our brotherhood.

    DFWAA Wines and Dines at Times Ten Cellars

    Thank you to our Brothers, our friends, and the Kappa Delta Chi ladies that came out to our Wine Tasting night last month at Times Ten Cellars. Special shoutout to National President, Jesus Apodaca, who was able to make it out in his ODPrez-mobile. We had a great time trying their various wine flights, snacking on flatbread pizzas, and charcuterie boards

    What's New? 

    87 Fam Bumper Stickers now Available

    These bumper stickers are the perfect 87 Family gift. Buy 1 for $5 or get 4 to give away for $15!  From the creative designs of Zach Dominguez, we are happy to present these limited works of art for our DFW network to have shipped to their home.  

    We also have magnets, keychains, vinyl stickers, T shirts and more! So make sure to check us out whether your looking for a gift for some 87 fam and/or a little something for yourself.   www.dfwodphi.com/shop;

    Upcoming Events

    Undergraduate Chapter Shoutout

    Alpha Chapter Newsletter! 

    Curious about what's been motherland? Check out the Alpha Chapter Newsletter and keep in the know about what's going on at Texas Tech University in  Lubbock, Texas!

    Notable upcoming events and tailgates include:

    October 9th - Alumni Weekend for the TTU vs TCU game

    October 15th- Panda Express Fundraiser in Lubbock, TX

    October 23rd - TTU V Kansas State ( Parents and Family Weekend)

    November 13th - TTU Vs Iowa State

    November 20th - TTU  VS OU

    Tues. Oct. 12 - DFWAA Meeting

    What: Monthly DFWAA Meeting

    When: Tues, Oct 12th  8PM-9PM

    How: See our RSVP link for Zoom Link

    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar

    Details: Monthly chapter meeting for event planning held the 2nd Tuesday of each month. (except this month)

    Friday, October 22nd

    Family Night Out to Swing Some Clubs and Eat Some Grub! 

    Details: Family Friendly Networking with DFWAA, driving range, dinner, and maybe head over for some putt putt or batting cages!

    RSVP HERE so we know how many Bays to Reserve!

    Where: Topgolf Ft Worth
                2201 E 4th ST, Fort Worth, TX 76102
    Who: DFWAA Members and friends Invited


    Get Ready for Great Competition This Year, As We Tee Off With Over 100 Challengers! 

    What to know?

    The tournament is just 3 days away! We encourage those who have signed up to prepay prior to the day of the tournament. Due to COVID-19. We encourage social distancing and facemask to be worn at the club house, but it is not required.

    Golfers can tune in to DFWAA's Facebook live feed as we announce Virtual Raffle winners throughout the tournament. Winners will be notified of their winnings and will be able to pick them up at the end of their round.

    Additional Event Items

    • Raffle Tickets: 2 for $10, 5 for $20, 10 for $30

    • Super Tickets: $50 for Entry to $500 Longest Putt Challenge and 10 Raffle Tickets

    • Michael Furrh's Cheat4Charity Challenge and World Record Exhibitions will be set up at one of the holes helping you cheat for a donation to support our scholarship fundraiser

    • Keep an eye out for our ALL NEW GOLFBALL CANNON available at one of the holes!

    • Lunch will be provided to all participants

    We look forward to seeing everyone this Friday!

    Sat. Nov. 13th - 

    Early Bird Pricing Ends THIS WEEK!

    5th Annual Founding Day Gala sponsored
     Mybookkeeping Guy, LLC 

    Who: Everyone

    When: Sat, Nov 13th

    Where:  Embassy Suites by Hilton - Dallas Park Central Area
                  13131 North Central Expressway, Dallas, TX 75243

    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar

    Details: Save the Date. The DFWAA is bringing back our annual Gala.

    We are now seeking sponsors, and tickets and room reservations are open. 


    Individual Dinner Ticket: $40

    Dinner and Plus 1 (2 Tickets): $65 

    Room Rate: $109

    That's right! for under $175, you can have 2 dinner tickets and a hotel room for the night! Bring a friend or a significant other and come celebrate with us at the party of the year! 

    Get your tickets ASAP! Early Bird Deadline: October 9th, 2021

    Just for Fun


    Halloween Costume Contest/Raffle!

    Our October Raffle is going to be a Costume Raffle!

    October Prize: $25 Visa Gift Card
    Details: Submit a picture of you Halloween Costume this year to be entered into the raffle
    All those that submit a picture of their costume will be put into a raffle at the end of the month

    Submission Deadline: Sat. Nov 6th

    Congrats to our September Raffle Winner Winner

    Curious to Know Joe C's answer to our question?

    Well as Joe explained, he always had a bit of animosity towards ducks, as he was actually attacked by one when he was a small child. He would take this opportunity to exact his revenge on the colossal duck challenger. In addition, seeing as how Big Tex is NOT an ODPhi Knight, he would stand no chance against him, as he turned his attention towards the miniature army, once the duck was defeated. In the end "Both would get the Big Sword!"

    We thank you Sir Joe Cereceres, for that thought out and creative answer to our DFWAA question of the Month. Since the answer was technically both A and B, we were happy to add everyone that answered our question into our raffle.

    We would like to Congratulate our September Raffle winner, Bella KChristy. Bella and her kids will be attending the State Fair of Texas with 4 free tickets along with $50 in Food and Ride Coupons. We thank you, Bella for being part of the DFWAA network and we hope that y'all enjoy a wonderful day out at the fair.

    Thank you for your time in reading this newsletter. As always, keep safe, and see yall next month!

    One DFW,


  • Wednesday, September 01, 2021 1:41 PM | Anonymous

    This Month's Newsletter is sponsored by Blades and Shears in Allen, Texas.
    Thank you for helping us promote higher education in the DFW metroplex.

    If you need an edge up, call Blades and Shears!

    Chairman Message:

    Happy September brothers!

    This Month's letter is a bit long, so I'll keep it short and sweet. School is back in session, so make sure to support your local chapter in their rush events. Come sip wine, play golf and snag your early bird tickets to the end of the year Gala!

    Thank you all again for your support this year, and


    Your Humblest of Chairmen,

    Mike Dominguez

    August Wrap Up:


    DFWAA Awards $12,000 in Scholarships to local Students!

    We would like to Thank all those who submitted an application for the Omega Delta Phi DFW Alumni Association Scholarships this year. We had over 35 applicants all of whom were well qualified. The Scholarship committee went through each application and chose the winners based on Academics, Letters of Recommendation, and Personal statements. It was very hard to pick our scholarship winners this year. We had excellent candidates who where all deserving, and in fact squeezed an extra Scholarship out of our treasurer this year. So instead of the 6 scholarships we planned to give we are now giving away a 7th Scholarships this year. So without Further ado:

    2021 Unstoppable Scholarship Winners:

    $2000 Scholarship – Conner Temple

    $1500 Scholarship – Marshall Morgan

    2021 JJ Chapa Knights Classic Scholarship Winners:

    $2500 Scholarship – Josiah Bradley

    $1000 Scholarship – Meridith McGee

    $1000 Scholarship – Blanca Macias

    $1000 Scholarship – Julianne Torres

    $1000 Scholarship – Daisy Ruiz

    $1000 Scholarship – Earl Wright

    $1000 Scholarship – Ella Stone

    We would like to congratulate all the winners and would like to thank all those that applied for our scholarships this year. We wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors at the Universities and Colleges you have chosen to attend. We hope that you will look for Omega Delta Phi on your campuses and join us in our Philanthropy and Community Service throughout the year.

    Congratulations again to this year’s Winners

    Four Corners Brewery Loteria Night

    Thank you to our Brothers, our friends, and the Kappa Delta Chi Ladies that came out to our Loteria Happy hour last month at Four Corners Brewery. Along with winning a few prizes, attendees enjoyed some great food, conversation, and sampled a variety of local craft beverages.

    DFWAA Gets New Merch

    You heard us right, the DFWAA has started to grow our merch store to provide you with unique gifts that are perfect for showing off your hype in everyday life. From the talented and creative designs of Zach Dominguez, we are happy to present these limited works of art for our DFW network to have at home.

    We have magnets, keychains, vinyl stickers, T shirts and more! So make sure to check us out whether your looking for a gift for some 87 fam and/or a little something for yourself. www.dfwodphi.com/shop

    Membership Update:

    Membership Continues to Climb

    Congratulations once again to the brothers of University of Texas at Dallas for continuing to hold our largest membership of a single chapter! Is there any chapter that is up to the challenge?

    **Cough*** Alpha where you at?!?! **Cough**

    New Member Shoutout

    Welcome to Alumnus
    Carlos Campos
    Texas A&M university at Kingsville
    Alpha Mu Chapter

    A criminology major, Carlos crossed in Spring 2013, and enjoys all sports and outdoor activities. You can find this guy either fishing, hunting or cheffin' up the bbq at a tailgate near you. Thank you for coming aboard, Carlos! We are looking forward to hanging out with you at our next event!

    Don't see your chapter listed in the graph above?

    Let's change that this month!

    Be sure to call/text your pledge brothers and let them know that renewing their DFWAA membership is easier than ever. Let's make a difference in the DFW together!

    Upcoming Events

    Tues. Sept. 14 - DFWAA Meeting

    What: Monthly DFWAA Meeting
    When: Tues, Sept. 14th 8PM-9PM
    How: See our RSVP link for Zoom Link
    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar
    Details: Monthly chapter meeting for event planning held the 2nd Tuesday of each month. (except this month)

    Friday, September 24th

    Let Your Inner Sommelier Shine At This Trendy Wine and Dine!

    What: Wine Tasting Night near White Rock Lake
    When: Friday, September 24th 7:00 PM
    Where: Times Ten Cellars wine tasting
    6324 Prospect Ave, Dallas, TX 75214
    Who: DFWAA Members and friends Invited
    Details: Call up your significant Other or Significant Brother, and tell them to clear their schedules for this classy affair!


    2021 Rush Invite from the UTD Undergraduate Chapter

    Good Morning Alumni,

    Since the start of this pandemic, we have all faced challenges that have been unique in nature due to the environment we find ourselves in. These difficulties have not only affected us as individuals but also in our careers, with our families and friends, and the ways we use to interact. The active chapter has been no stranger to these issues as for the past year we have had to adapt to an online setting as we achieve meeting the needs and concerns of the community, maintaining our sacraments, and graduating our members. As the new academic year starts, we want to excel in every goal which includes having a successful rush.

    We want to invite you, the alumni body, to our rush events to not only meet our interest but also give the active chapter the opportunity to hang out with our alumni brothers in the name of Unity. Please read below to see the details regarding our events:

    Midwestern State University

    Wichita Falls, Texas

    Texas Christian University

    Fort Worth, Texas

    West Texas A&M University

    Canyon, Texas


    Guinness World Record Holder and Trick shot extrordinaire, Michael Furrh, to Appear at the Knights ClassicSponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors!

    October 8th, 2021

    The amazingly talented, Michael Furrh, has agreed to come out to the Knights Classic this year, and will be hosting one of our Hole challenges this year! Furrh is the owner and operator of Michael Furrh's Cheat4Charity Challenge and World Record Exhibitions. We hope that  this will be the first of many years of partnering with Mr. Furrh! Come out on October 8th and see the trick shot king for yourself! 

    What: 18th Annual Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors
    Who: Everyone
    When: Friday, October 8th 8:00 AM
    How: See our Facebook Event Page 
    Click to add to your Google Calendar
    Details: 18th Annual Charity Golf Tournament to raise scholarship funds for  Undergraduate College Students and College-Bound High School Seniors living in the DFW Metroplex.

    To sign up to play in or sponsor the tournament, visit www.knightsclassic.com

    Sat. Nov. 13th -


    What: 2021 DFWAA Gala Celebration
    Who: Everyone
    When: Saturday, November 13, 2021
    Where: Embassy Suites by Hilton - Dallas Park Central Area
    13131 North Central Expressway, Dallas, TX 75243
    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar
    Details: Save the Date. The DFWAA is bringing back our annual Gala.

    We are now seeking sponsors, and tickets and room reservations are open. 


    Individual Dinner Ticket: $40
    Dinner and Plus 1 (2 Tickets): $65
    Room Rate: $109

    That's right! for under $175, you can have 2 dinner tickets and a hotel room for the night! Bring a friend or a significant other and come celebrate with us at the party of the year!

    Get your tickets ASAP! Early Bird Deadline: October 9th, 2021

    Just for Fun


    For this month's challenge we asked the following question to Founder, Joe Cereceres. Those who can guess his response will be entered into a drawing and have a chance at winning our Monthly prize!

    June Prize: 4 ticket to the Texas State Fair!!!


    Step 1: What would Joe Cereceres rather fight? A or B?

    A. 87 duck-size Big Tex (Big Texeses, Big Texi, Big Texs',???)

    B. 1 Big Tex-Size Ducks

    Step 2: Reply to this newsletter with your best guess!

    If your guess matches Joe's we will add your name to our raffle.

    (Winners will be drawn at random at the end of the month. Correct answer will be posted in next month's newsletter)

    Thank you for your time in reading this newsletter. As always, keep safe, and see yall next month!

    One DFW,


  • Monday, August 23, 2021 10:10 AM | Anonymous

    Thank you for your help, and please enjoy our August Newsletter below:

    ir weekend Chairman Message: 

    Happy August brothers! 

    There's only a few weeks of summer left to catch a tan on the river or on the lake! 

    We had a great time in our July events, most notably sharing ideas with brothers in Las Vegas and the election of our new national president. 

    National conference has always been an event near and dear to my heart.  I hope that those that were able to attend the national conference were able to leave a little bit more inspired. I hope their weekend conversations helped challenge them to push their chapter to the next level of achievement. I hope they could see the hard work that our brothers are putting in throughout the nation, and be reminded that we are all doing our part to further the vision of Omega Delta Phi.

    The DFWAA has carried on this vision for the past 21 years. Brothers, it is time that we take this organization to the heights that it is destined to achieve. I encourage you to get involved in the DFWAA, attend a meeting, an event, or hang out with a line brother. It is only together that we have made it this far and it is only together that we will continue to grow and succeed.  

    Don't miss out on the next event,  join the DFWAA Monthly text alerts via the Remind app, and keep updated on the happenings in the DFW.  https://www.remind.com/join/6k8hd6

    Have a great month everyone! 


    Mike Dominguez 

    July Wrap Up:


    Street Taco Night for the UFC Fight!


    Thank you to those that were able to attend our UFC watch party for the Mcgreggor vs Poirier. We had street tacos stacked, drinks on deck,  and together witnessed the cringeworthy end of an era on the 10ft x 10ft screen.

    Apodaca wins big in Vegas!

    Congratulations to DFWAA member, Jesus "Chu Chu" Apodaca, for being elected ODPhi National President! While all 3 candidates have volunteered countless hours to better our organization over the years, it is Apodaca's vision that will lead ODPhi forward over the next 3 years. We thank all candidates for their dedication to our fraternity and we are confident that our new leadership will bring new ideas to improve our organization.

    National rep position applications are currently open. If you feel you have the qualifications and drive to be part of Apodaca's administration, click here to view openings. 

    Membership Update:

    Congratulations to Chapter of the Month

    Alpha Omicron!

    Congrats once again to the brothers of University of Texas at Dallas, who were able to continue their hold as the largest chapter membership within the DFWAA in the month of July!

    July brought us 1 new member into to the DFWAA, which puts us just 16 members short of 100 active members. I hope that you, our readers will consider renewing your membership so that we can continue to provide events in the DFW.

    Don't see your chapter listed in the graph above?

    Let's change that this month!

    Be sure to call/text your pledge brothers and let them know that renewing their DFWAA membership is easier than ever. Don't miss your chance to make a difference in the DFW metroplex.

    Upcoming Events

    Tues. Sept. 14 - DFWAA Meeting
    What: Monthly DFWAA Meeting
    When: Tues, Sept. 14th 8PM-9PM
    How: See our RSVP link for Zoom Link
    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar
    Details: Monthly chapter meeting for event planning held the 2nd Tuesday of each month. (except this month)

    Thursday Aug 26th

    In Person Loteria and Happy Hour!

    What: Happy Hour and Loteria Night
    When: Thursday Aug 26th 7:30 PM
    Where: Four Corners Brewing Company
                1311 S Ervay St, Dallas, TX 75215
    Who: DFWAA Members and friends Invited
    Details: Hang out with the DFWAA and win some prizes


    October 8th, 2021

    What: 18th Annual Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors
    Who: Everyone
    When: Friday, October 8th 8:00 AM
    How: See our Facebook Event Page 
    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar
    Details: 18th Annual Charity Golf Tournament to raise scholarship funds for  Undergraduate College Students and College-Bound High School Seniors living in the DFW Metroplex.

    To sign up to play in or sponsor the tournament, visit www.knightsclassic.com

    Sat. Nov. 13th - 


    What: 2021 DFWAA Gala Celebration
    Who: Everyone
    When: Saturday, November 13, 2021
    Where:  Embassy Suites by Hilton - Dallas Park Central Area
                  13131 North Central Expressway, Dallas, TX 75243

    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar
    Details: Save the Date. The DFWAA is bringing back our annual Gala.
    We are now seeking sponsors, and tickets and room reservations are open. 

    Individual Dinner Ticket: $40
    Dinner and Plus 1 (2 Tickets): $65 
    Room Rate: $109

    That's right! for under $175, you can have 2 dinner tickets and a hotel room for the night! Bring a friend or a significant other and come celebrate with us at the party of the year! 


    Just for Fun


    For those Curious of for last month's challenge solution.

    The correct height of Eugene Dominguez in corndog Units is 10.1 Corndogs!

    Congrats to our winner,  Linda Flores!!!

    July Prize: $10 Target Gift Card!

    We will pick back up on our monthly prizes in September! 

    Thank you for your time in reading this newsletter. As always, keep safe, and I'll see yall in Vegas!

    One DFW,

  • Saturday, July 03, 2021 9:58 AM | Anonymous

    Thank you for your help, and please enjoy our July Newsletter below:

    Summer 2021 is here and there has never been a better time to be a DFWAA member! From getting too hype by the pool to getting too tan on the lake, June has given us a great start to the season, and I have a feeling the fun just getting started! 

    Thank you again to everyone that has come out to hang with us so far, and we would love to see you all out at our next event. 

    Don't miss out, join the DFWAA Monthly text alerts via the Remind app, and keep updated on the happenings in the DFW.  https://www.remind.com/join/6k8hd6

    Have a great month everyone! 


    Mike Dominguez 


    June Wrap Up:

    Jessie Tapia Reels In Record Breaking** Catch!

    **Record Breaking in this case is defined as the largest fish out of the sample of those caught by the 14 people that attended this particular fishing trip. Not to say that any other data or research was evaluated when making this claim.


    June started off with our brotherhood deep sea fishing trip to Galveston, TX. In all 14 attended the weekend which included arcade games, shuffleboard, pool tournaments, some fine AirBNB home cooking, and of course a 12-hour fishing tour.

    While everyone caught their limit, Jessie Tapia, the "Snapper Whisperer", snagged (what I can only guess to be) a 13lb+ Red Snapper to win our group challenge.  Special thanks to our Service Chair, Steven Olson, who brought this awesome trip together.

    If you would like to see this trip become an annual DFWAA outing, please let us know! 


    DFWAA Tees Off For a Great Cause!

    On Friday June 18th, through the generous donation of one of our members, the DFWAA was able to send a few of our knights to support the Knights of Columbus Council 5052's 6th Annual Charity Golf Tournament.

    Not to brag, but the words "new high score" might have been mentioned, so those of you reading better bring your "A" game when you attend the upcoming Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors on October 8th!

    All in all we had great weather and a great time meeting the members of Council 5052!

    El Chapa Sets Sail on Lake Lewisville!

    Last month Active brothers were invited to set sail on Lewisville Lake with former Chairman, JJ Chapa of Alpha Chapter. 

    It was a great day of sailing and lunch time chats on the dock. Thank you JJ for having us out! 

    The Seven Visions: Spring Edition is Available Now!

    Did you know that the Beta Rho Chapter (Western Michigan University) held a "Hypest Pet" contest? These adorable contenders above are part of just one of many unique events being held by chapters across the nation. Catch up on your National ODPhi news by Checking out the link here!

    Membership Update:

    Congratulations to Chapter of the Month

    Alpha Omicron!

    Congrats to the brothers of University of Texas at Dallas, who were able to continue their hold as the largest chapter membership within the DFWAA in the month of June!

    Though we there was no shortage of events over the last month, June brought us 2 new members into to the DFWAA ranks.  With a database of over 200 subscribers, I hope that you, our readers will consider renewing your membership so that we can continue to provide events in the DFW.

    Don't see your chapter listed in the graph above?

    Let's change that this month!

    Be sure to call/text your pledge brothers and let them know that renewing their DFWAA membership is easier than ever. Don't miss your chance to make a difference in the DFW metroplex.

    Upcoming Events


    Tues. July 6 - DFWAA Meeting

    What: Monthly DFWAA Meeting
    When: Tues, July 6th  8PM-9PM
    How: See our RSVP link for Zoom Link
    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar
    Details: Monthly chapter meeting for event planning held the 2nd Tuesday of each month. (except this month)

    Saturday July 10th

    Fight Night Watch Party!

    What: Poirier VS McGregor Watch Party
    When: Saturday July 10th 7PM
    Where: Arlington, TX. Address provided on RSVP
    Who: Active DFWAA Members Invited
    Details: Watching the fight and Grilling some Grub. Click Here to RSVP

    *This event is also a School Supply Drive Drop off event*


    July 22-24th National Presidential Campaign concludes  in Vegas!

    What: Registration for National Convention in Las Vegas is still open
    Date: July 22-24th
    Where: Stratosphere Hotel
    Who: Alumni and Undergrads are invited.
    Details:  Schedule of events, Banquet time and Registration available at https://omegadeltaphi.com/nationals2021/ 

    National Presidential candidates Bryan Garcia, Jesus Apodaca, and Lateef Ipaye make their last push as the National Presidention election comes to an end at The National Conference in Las Vegas this month. 

    This Month's Video Question to the candidates: "What is something that you have not been able to accomplish during your years working with ODPhi Regionals and Nationals, and how would being elected president change it?"

    Want to hear more about the candidates' platforms? Check out our youtube channel for more from our Presidential Townhall. 

    July 10th to August 8th-  Back to School Supply Drive

    What: Our annual School Supply Drive 
    When: Saturday, July 10th to Sunday, Aug 8th
    How: Amazon wishlist link here  Local dropoffs TBA

    Details: This year's annual school supply drive is in support of  support the Juanita Craft Recreation Center in Dallas Texas. As a 501c (3) organization, eligible monetary donations will be provided charitable contribution receipts upon request.


    October 8th, 2021

    What: 18th Annual Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors
    Who: Everyone
    When: Friday, October 8th 8AM
    How: See our Facebook Event Page 
    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar

    Details: 18th Annual Charity Golf Tournament to raise scholarship funds for  Undergraduate College Students and College-Bound High School Seniors living in the DFW Metroplex.

    To sign up to play in or sponsor the tournament, visit www.knightsclassic.com

    Sat. Nov. 13th -


    What: 2021 DFWAA Gala Celebration
    Who: Everyone
    When: Saturday, November 13, 2021
    Where:  Embassy Suites by Hilton - Dallas Park Central Area
                  13131 North Central Expressway, Dallas, TX 75243
    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar
    Details: Save the Date. The DFWAA is bringing back our annual Gala.
    More details to come in the coming weeks

    Just for Fun


    This month's challenge is a bit different. Those who guess correctly will be entered into a drawing and have a chance at winning a prize!

    June Prize: $10 Target Gift Card!


    Step 1:Calculate the height of Founder Eugene Dominguez in corn dog units.  

    Step 2: Reply to this news letter with your best guess!

    (Winners will be drawn at random at the end of the month. Correct answer will be posted in next month's newsletter)

    June's puzzle solution to the left

    Congratulations to Maria Zalidvar, our Winner of the $20 Starbucks Gift Card! 

    Thank you for your time in reading this newsletter. As always, keep safe, and I'll see yall in Vegas!

    One DFW,


  • Thursday, June 03, 2021 12:37 PM | Anonymous

    Chairman Message: 

    Happy June, everyone! 

    While you can't tell by all the rain we have had lately, it's almost time for "Too Hype Summer 2021!" 

    This past month we have worked on improving of our social media presence, our DFWAA website database, and our channels of communication. We hope  these efforts will improve the ease of being a DFWAA member, while keeping you informed of opportunities to stay involved. 

    With this in mind, we invite you to join our DFWAA Monthly text alerts via the Remind app, designed to keep you updated on the happenings in the DFW. 


    I hope to see yall this month at our BBQ and Pool Party on Saturday, the 19th, and I hope you all have a great month! 


    Mike Dominguez 

    May Wrap Up:

    Gene "Steel Gaze" Perez flushes

    the competition the May 2021 Poker Tournament


    Thank you to all those that came out to the Poker knight at the Elite Cigar Cafe in Addison this past month. Card sharks traveled from near and far to compete in the tournament; however, only one could walk away as the victor. It just goes to show you gotta know when to Hold Em', know when to Fold Em'...when Gene Perez walks up to the Poker Table.

    Old Heads greet while new grads Eat

    Spring Creek Networking Dinner brings 9 new DFWAA members! 

    In May we hosted a DFW networking dinner in which newly graduate brothers had a chance to meet some of our current DFWAA alumni. We would like to thank everyone that came out to support. We look forward to the new ideas and perspectives that these new graduates can bring to our organization.

    The National Presidential Campaign continues to heat up!

    National Presidential candidates Bryan Garcia, Jesus Apodaca, and Lateef Ipaye have continued to hit the campaign trail over the past month. Will the election approaching in July, only time will tell which brother has what it takes to lead our fraternity over the next 3 years.

    This Month's Question: "What are the biggest issues facing the undergraduates over the next 3 years, and what are the biggest issues that the alumni will be facing?

    Want to hear more about the cadidates' platforms? Check out our youtube acount for videos from our Presidential Townhall that was held in March. 

    Membership Update:

    Congratulations to Chapter of the Month

    Alpha Omicron!

    May was a huge month for the brothers of University of Texas at Dallas as they clenched largest chapter membership through the help of their newest graduated brothers. 

    The DFWAA had a solid 16% growth over the past month, and with a little over half the year to go, we have a great chance at breaking the 100 paid member mark. Thank you to all who have reached out and encouraged your LBs to join us this year, it is your support that makes us as strong as we are.

    Don't see your chapter listed in the graph above?

    Let's change that this month!

    Be sure to call/text your pledge brothers and let them know that renewing their DFWAA membership is easier than ever. Don't miss your chance to make a difference in the DFW metroplex.

    Upcoming Events

    Tues. May 11 - DFWAA Meeting

    What: Monthly DFWAA Meeting
    When: Tues, June 8th  8PM-9PM
    How: See our RSVP link for Zoom Link
    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar
    Details: Monthly chapter meeting for event planning held the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

    Saturday June 19th-  Membership Appreciation BBQ and Pool Party

    What: Membership Appreciation BBQ and Pool Party
    When: Saturday, Jun 19th 1PM-7PM
    How: RSVP for the event TODAY!
    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar
    Who: This is a family friendly event for Active Members & their family/guests.
    Details: Food and non alcoholic drinks will be provided by the DFWAA. We ask that you bring your own drinks, cooler, and towels.


    College Scholarships Applications are now Available!

    Deadline June 30th

    What: Scholarships
    When: Application Deadline Saturday, Jun 30th 
    How: Download Applications Here!
    Details: The DFWAA will award 5 scholarships to college bound DFW High School Seniors in the denominations below:

    1 scholarship in the amount of $2,500
    4 scholarships in the amount of $1,000 Each

    Please help spread the word to any eligible DFW students that you may know!



    October 8th, 2021

    What: 18th Annual Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors
    Who: Everyone
    When: Friday, October 8th 8AM
    How: See our Facebook Event Page 
    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar
    Details: 18th Annual Charity Golf Tournament to raise scholarship funds for  Undergraduate College Students and College-Bound High School Seniors living in the DFW Metroplex.

    To sign up to play in or sponsor the tournament, visit www.knightsclassic.com

    Just for Fun


    Fancy yourself a wise guy, eh?
    Try to besting National Founder, Eugene Dominguez, in this month's sudoku puzzle and have a chance at winning a prize!

    Time to Beat: 5 Minutes 53 Seconds
    June Prize: $20 Starbucks Gift Card!

    Details:Step 1:Click here to compete online, print the image above, or copy the above puzzle on a sheet of paper and attempt the puzzle.

    Step 2: Post a picture of your puzzle attempt and completion time on facebook or instagram with #DFWAAChallenge.

    (Alt entry method: Just reply to this email with your attempt.)

     Find Sudoku instructions here

    (Winners will be drawn at random at the end of the month. Solution will be posted in next month's newsletter)

    *This is all for fun, you don't have to beat the time to win the gift card, you just have to attempt.*


    May's puzzle solution above

    Click here to try again

    Thank you for your time in reading this newsletter. As always, keep safe, and we look forward to seeing you at the next DFWAA event.

    One DFW,


  • Tuesday, May 04, 2021 7:28 PM | Anonymous

    Chairman Message: 

    Hello everyone, and congratulations to all of our 2021 May graduates! 

    I can't believe we are already 1/3 of the way through 2021. April was jam packed with opportunities to get involved in ODPhi around the state, and I am thankful to all the brothers that took the time to hang out with me over the past month. Let's hope all those April showers, lead to May flowers, as well as full rivers for tubing this summer! 

    Lastly, May the HYPE be with you, Brothers!

    Mike Dominguez 

    April Wrap Up:

    DFWAA Rocks the 4 Links Classic!


    To kick off the month, a few members from the DFWAA had a chance to network with our San Antonio Alumni brothers at their annual 4 Links Golf Tournament. Though we were unable to bring back the 1st place trophy, we thank the SAAA for their hospitality and for providing some ideas on how to improve our Knights Classic in the Fall.

    North Texas Regionals at West Texas A&M in Canyon, TX!

    The weekend of April 9th, the North Texas Region traveled to Canyon, TX  for their annual regionals event. There we had the opportunity to meet the new undergraduates of the North Texas Region, hike the "Lighthouse Trail" in Palo Duro Canyon, and to recruit a few of the new graduates into the DFWAA. A sincere thank you, and welcome to our 6 newest alumni brothers!

    The weekend of April 9th, the North Texas Region traveled to Canyon, TX  for their annual regionals event. There we had the opportunity to meet the new undergraduates of the North Texas Region, hike the "Lighthouse Trail" in Palo Duro Canyon, and to recruit a few of the new graduates into the DFWAA. A sincere thank you, and welcome to our 6 newest alumni brothers! 

    Hot off the Presses!

    The Seven Visions: Spring Edition is Available Now!

    Passion project of editor, Luis Gonzalez, and the National Marketing Team, this edition highlights the special history that singer, Selena Quintanilla, holds in our brotherhood, as well as keeps you informed on ODPhi news around the nation.

    Highlights include: a message from the National President, a chronicle of undergraduate life during the pandemic, and much more! 

    Check out the link here!

    Loteria Knight Fun

    We had a blast last month playing Loteria with the DFW community. Amidst the variety of Loteria games, members shared their fondest greek memories and most prized greek memorabilia.  Thank you to everyone that came out and thank you for sharing your unique stories. We look forward to seeing you all out at the next event! 

    The National Presidential Campaign continues to heat up!

    National Presidential candidates Bryan Garcia, Jesus Apodaca, and Lateef Ipaye met on the debate stage once again at the North Texas Regional Weekend in Canyon, Tx. Moderator and Regional Director, Bryan Parra, asked the hard hitting questions in hopes to reveal which brother has the right stuff to lead Omega Delta Phi for the next 3 years.

    National Presidential candidates Bryan Garcia, Jesus Apodaca, and Lateef Ipaye met on the debate stage once again at the North Texas Regional Weekend in Canyon, Tx. Moderator and Regional Director, Bryan Parra, asked the hard hitting questions in hopes to reveal which brother has the right stuff to lead Omega Delta Phi for the next 3 years.

    Care to hear more about the cadidates' platforms? Check out our Youtube account for more coverage from our Presidential Townhall that was held in March. 

    This month's question to the candidates: "In what ways does your professional career strengthen your ability to lead ODPhi?"


    Congratulations to Chapter of the Month


    In April, the Alpha brothers successfully rallied their numbers to Claim the title "Chapter of the Month" for the first time in 2021.

    We have seen an amazing 40% membership growth in the month of April, with  Alpha and Alpha Omicron taking the 1st and 2nd place spots. They were followed closely by Delta, Sigma, and Xi Chapters. Thank you to all who have reached out and encouraged your LBs to join us this year, it is your support that makes us as strong as we are.

    Don't see your chapter listed in the graph above?

    Let's change that this month!

    Be sure to call/text your pledge brothers and let them know that renewing their DFWAA membership is easier than ever. Don't miss your chance to make a difference in the DFW metroplex.

    Undergraduate Spotlight:

    Beta Eta Chapter helps feed the Ft Worth community in need.

    On April 24th, the brothers of TCU volunteered with the United Community Center Mobile Pantry to help provide meals to families in need in the Fort Worth community. We had a great morning meeting two of the chapter's neo brothers, and engaging with the Fort Worth Community. Thank you Beta Eta, and we look forward to the next event!

    Looking to May and Beyond

    What: Monthly DFWAA Meeting

    When: Tues, May 11th  8PM-9PM

    How: See our RSVP link for Zoom Link

    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar

    Details: Monthly chapter meeting for event planning held the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

    Saturday May 15th-

    Poker Knight in Addison

    What: Poker Knight in Addison 

    When: Saturday, May 15th 6PM-9PM

    How: RSVP for Poker Knight here!

    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar

    Details: Texas Hold Em and Cigars with the DFWAA

    Friday May 21-

    New Graduate Celebration Dinner

    What: Graduation Dinner 

    When: Friday, May 21st 7PM-9PM

    How: RSVP for dinner here!

    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar

    Details:This is a Celebration Dinner for all newly graduated ODPhi brothers to have a meal on DFWAA's tab. New Alumni will get a chance to meet other graduates in teh DFW and to network with DFWAA membership.


    Saturday June 19th-  Membership Appreciation BBQ and Pool Party

    What: Membership Appreciation BBQ and Pool Party

    When: Saturday, Jun 19th 1PM-7PM

    How: RSVP for the event TODAY!

    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar

    Who: This is a family friendly event for Active Members & their family/guests.

    Details: Food and non alcoholic drinks will be provided by the DFWAA. We ask that you bring your own drinks, cooler, and towels.


    This event will also kick off our annual school supply drive. Please bring any school supply donations on the day of the event.

    If you would like to donate money, you can on our website http://odpdaa.wildapricot.org/Donate

    College Scholarships Applications are now Available!

    Deadline June 30th

    What: Scholarships

    When: Application Deadline Saturday, Jun 30th 

    How: Download Applications Here!

    Details: The DFWAA will award 5 scholarships to college bound DFW High School Seniors in the denominations below:

    1 scholarship in the amount of $2,500
    4 scholarships in the amount of $1,000 Each

    Please help spread the word to any eligible DFW students that you may know!


    October 8th, 2021

    What: 18th Annual Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors

    Who: Everyone

    When: Friday, October 8th 8AM

    How: See our Facebook Event Page 

    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar

    Details: 18th Annual Charity Golf Tournament to raise scholarship funds for  Undergraduate College Students and College-Bound High School Seniors living in the DFW Metroplex.

    To sign up to play in or sponsor the tournament, visit www.knightsclassic.com

    Just for Fun


    Fancy yourself a wise guy, eh?
    Try to besting National Founder, Eugene Dominguez, in this month's sudoku puzzle and have a chance at winning a prize!

    Time to Beat: 4 Minutes 28 Seconds

    May Prize: $10 Starbucks Gift Card!

    Details: Save and print the image above, or copy the above puzzle on a sheet of paper and try to complete it in less than the stated time. Then post a picture of your final puzzle attempt on facebook or instagram with your completion time and #DFWAAChallenge.

    (Alt entry method: Just reply to this email with your attempt.)

     Find Sudoku instructions here

    (Solution will be posted in next month's newsletter)


    Congratulations to our April Prize winner: Maria L. Zaldivar

    Thank you for playing, Maria! 

    For the rest of you, see April's puzzle solution to the left

    Thank you for your time in reading this newsletter. As always, keep safe, and we look forward to seeing you at the next DFWAA event.

    One DFW,


  • Tuesday, April 06, 2021 7:26 PM | Anonymous

    Chairman Message: 

    Howdy and Happy Easter! 

    We are moving into the 2nd quarter of 2021 and the DFWAA is looking stronger. In reflection of my first quarter as chairman, I would just like to thank all of the brothers that have reached out to me or spent time at one of the events that we have hosted. It has been an amazing experience for me to get to know more of our DFW family over the last couple of months, and I only see continued potential moving forward. 

    One DFW,

    Mike Dominguez 

    March Wrap Up:


    March Movie Knight Success!

    Thank you to everyone that came out to our family movie night this past month. We had a great turnout of about 45 attendees who joined the DFWAA in a special private screening of "Back to the Future".

    National Presidential Candidate Townhall

    3 New Men of Vision

    We would like to once again thank everyone for attending our National Presidential Candidate Q & A that we hosted in March. It was great to hear the passion and vision expressed by the candidates. We are excited to see which one will lead our brotherhood into the future.

    Above you will find the 15 minute presentations for each candidate.

    Keep an eye on DFWAA social media accounts as we release additional videos and questions from the event over the next few weeks.

    Membership Update:


    Congratulations to Chapter of the Month


    It's a THREE-PEAT!!!

    Delta continues to make history by racking up 3 back to back Chapter of the Month awards. Though margins have begun to narrow, the Aggies have their sights set on that Chapter of the year award for 2021. 

    We would also like to welcome our 12 newest members in the DFWAA! Our membership count is up 32% from last month, and thanks to you, our alumni association now represents 18 chapters from across the US.

    Don't see your chapter listed in the graph above?

    Let's change that this month!

    While we are on the subject...


    Roy Ferretiz Claims 1st Hype Knight Membership!

    You asked, we listened! renewing your DFWAA membership is now easier than ever with the newest "HYPE KNIGHT" monthly membership level.

    "Hype Knight" is a recurring $10 per month membership option, that allows you to keep supporting all year round. We will be gauging the interest of this automated monthly membership over the course of the 2021 year as we evaluate more ways of improving your DFWAA experience.

    **BONUS** Due to this new membership level, we've extended our membership polo incentive through the month of April!

    Hype Knight Membership will be in the same incentive tier as Charitable knights.

    (See below for more information)

    Be sure to call/text your pledge brothers and let them know that renewing their DFWAA membership is easier than ever. Don't miss your chance to make a difference in the DFW metroplex

    Looking to April and Beyond


    Tues. April 13 - DFWAA Meeting

    What: Monthly DFWAA Meeting
    When: Tues, April 13th  8PM-9PM
    How: See our RSVP link for Zoom Link
    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar
    Details: Monthly chapter meeting for event planning held the 2nd Tuesday of each month


    Thurs. April 22- Loteria Night!

    What: Virtual Loteria Night and Happy Hour
    When: Thurs. April 22nd 7PM-9PM
    How: See our RSVP link for Zoom Link
    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar
    Details: Family Friendly Loteria night with prizes! Wind down from a long days work, fill your favorite mug, and kick it with your favorite DFW knights at this virtual happy hour event.

     Monthly FWAA Meeting

    When: Tues, April 13th  8PM-9PM



    October 8th, 2021

    What: 18th Annual Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors

    Who: Everyone

    When: Friday, October 8th 8AM

    How: See our Facebook Event Page 

    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar

    Details: 18th Annual Charity Golf Tournament to raise scholarship funds for  Undergraduate College Students and College-Bound High School Seniors living in the DFW Metroplex.

     See our RSVP link for Zoom Link


    Membership Perks!


    What: Membership Drive - Incentives
    When: Renew your membership for 2021!
    How: Renew your Membership Today (Click Here)!!!

    New Alumni (1st yr alumni) ($10): 2021 Challenge coin, DFWAA letter w/ SWAG item
    Active Knight ($40): above incentives + Community Service T-shirt
    Hype Knight & Charitable Knight ($100): All Incentives above + DFWAA Polo
    Compassionate Knights & Business Partners ($200): All incentives above

    Click to add to your Google Calendar


    Just for Fun


    Fancy yourself a wise guy, eh?
    Try to besting National Founder, Eugene Dominguez, in this month's sudoku puzzle and have a chance at winning a prize!

    Time to Beat: 10 Minutes 31 Seconds

    April Prize: 1987 Phone grip/stand

    Details: Save and print the image above, or copy the above puzzle on a sheet of paper and try to complete it in less than the stated time. Then post a picture of your final puzzle attempt and time with #DFWAAChallenge.

     Find Sudoku instructions here

    (Solution will be posted in next month's newsletter)

    Thank you for your time in reading this newsletter. As always, keep safe, and we look forward to seeing you at the next DFWAA event.

    One DFW,


     Monthly chapter meeting for event planning held the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

  • Thursday, April 01, 2021 12:10 PM | Anonymous

    Chairman Message: 

    Howdy and Happy Easter! Chairman Message:

    Howdy and Happy Easter!

    We are moving into the 2nd quarter of 2021 and the DFWAA is looking stronger. In reflection of my first quarter as chairman, I would just like to thank all of the brothers that have reached out to me or spent time at one of the events that we have hosted. It has been an amazing experience for me to get to know more of our DFW family over the last couple of months, and I only see continued potential moving forward.

    One DFW,

    Mike Dominguez

    March Wrap Up:


    6 more weeks until Las Vegas Pool Party Season starts!

    s we all know, one month after Groundhog's day, the DFW celebrates a very special Groundlongs Day!  The day when the great Long Le wakes from his winter hibernation and goes out into the world and win at all thingAs we all know, one month after Groundhog's day, the DFW celebrates a very special Groundlongs Day! The day when the great Long Le wakes from his winter hibernation and goes out into the world and win at all things.

    This year, it was reported that when Long emerged from his home, he did see his shadow. A signal to all that there will be 6 more weeks until Las Vegas Pool Party Season starts! 


    following DFWAA's National President's Townhall.

    We would like to thank everyone for attending our National Presidential Candidate Q & A that we hosted in March. It was great to hear the passion and vision that our announced candidates have to lead our brotherhood into the future.

    After the event, the DFWAA hired a 3rd party polling company to compile preliminary poll results. In a stunning upset, write-in wildcard, Paula Macon, has been deemed in the lead, and the candidate to beat in the coming months!

    The DFWAA reached out to Paula for comment, but have not received a response.

    would like to thank everyone for attending our National Presidential Candidate Q & A that we hosted in March. It was great to hear the passion and vision that our announced candidates have to lead our brotherhood into the future.

    Membership Update:

    Congratulations to Chapter of the Month Year


    e sure to call/text your pledge brothers and let them know by renewing their DFWAA membership Sponsored by Alpha Chapter """The number's don't lie, by simply consolidating our data, thus combining Alpha, Alpha Alpha, Alpha Chi, Alpha Gamma, Alpha Omicron, and Alpha Pi brothers we can all agree that Alpha Chapter is clearly chapter of the month, year, and century." - Mike Dominguez.

    Since Delta Chapter continues to join the DFWAA at alarming rates, Chairman Mike Dominguez has made the unprecedented move of declaring that all "Alpha" named Chapters should be absorbed into Alpha* Chapter's membership count

    Don't see your chapter listed in the graph above?

    Let's change that this month!

    Be sure to call/text your pledge brothers and let them know by renewing their DFWAA membership Sponsored by Alpha Chapter this month

      (See more info below)

     number's don't lie, by simply consolidating our data, thus combining Alpha, Alpha Alpha, Alpha Chi, Alpha Gamma, Alpha Omicron, and Alpha Pi brothers we can all agree that Alpha Chapter is clearly chapter of the month, year, and century." - Mike Dominguez.



    While our brotherhood grows as it goes, the predictability on when you go, can start becoming an issue for some of our older members.

    While our brotherhood grows as it goes, the predictability on when you go, can start becoming an issue for some of our older members.

    With this in mind, the DFWAA has entered a partnership with Depends, to bring you "Knight Knights" Adult Diapers for the knight on the go!

    Satisfied customers will no longer have to worry about those long road trips and frequent pitstops. Be the "Cool" Alumni on the roadtrip again, with "Knight Knights".

    USA Today called it " The must have accessory of the 2021 summer!"

    Former Chairman, Jose Lara, described it as "Bruh, that's just knasty"

    Order now from the DFWAA Merch Store!

    What's in Store for this April?


    April 13 - DFWAA Meeting

    What: Monthly DFWAA Meeting
    When: Tues, April 13th  8PM-9PM
    How: See our RSVP link for Zoom Link
    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar
    Details: Monthly chapter meeting for event planning held the 2nd Tuesday of each month.





    What: 18th Annual Knights Classic
    Who: Everyone
    When: Friday, October 8th 8AM
    How: See our Facebook Event Page 
    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar
    Details: To kick off the Announcement for the Knights Classic, Richard From Delta has promised us that the first 50 brothers that sign up for the tournament will be guaranteed one of the famous ODPhi brotherhood ring seen only at the 2015 National Conference. We thank you Richard for this amazing exclusive offer!


    Membership Perks!


    What: Membership Drive - Incentives
    When: Renew your membership for 2021!
    How: Renew your Membership Today (Click Here)!!!
    New Alumni (1st yr alumni) ($10): 2021 Challenge coin, DFWAA letter w/ SWAG item
    Active Knight ($40): above incentives + Community Service T-shirt
    Charitable Knight ($100): All Incentives above + Alumni polo
    Compassionate Knights & Business Partners ($200): All incentives above

    Thank you for your time in reading this newsletter, keep safe, and Happy April Fools Day! (Please stay tune for the release of our April Newsletter this weekend.)

    One DFW,


  • Friday, March 05, 2021 2:48 PM | Anonymous

    Chairman Message: 

    Hello brothers!

    I hope this letter finds you well and sheltered after that wild winter storm. I'll keep this one Short and Sweet, We've had some great events so far this year, so let's keep it rolling into March.  Here's to Green Beer and flushing toilets! 

    One DFW,

    Mike Dominguez

    February Wrap Up:

    Thanks to everyone that came out to our Mixology Happy Hour last month.
    pecial thanks to our TooHypeEats drivers, Jose Lara and Jesus Ipina who helped deliver kits throughout the DFW!

    We had up to 23 participants jump on our Zoom Happy Hour throughout the night. Attendees exhibited the poise and artistic flair rivaled only by the most seasoned of Uptown Bartenders.

    The ingredients and directions for all our cocktails seen below have been posted in our Facebook Group.

    Photo credit to Alpha Chapter Brother: Jamie Ruiz


    Membership Update:

    Anyone else having Déjà vu?!?

    Congratulations to Chapter of the Month, DELTA Chapter!

    We had 153% amazing increase in membership in February. As much as it pains me to compliment an Aggie, the Delta Bros have shown they mean business this year, as they rally their brothers to be part of the One DFW!

    That being said, Delta now makes up 18% (-8%) of our total membership, with the top 5 chapters only needing 4 or less new recruits in order to snag that #1 spot for next month.

    So, if you are enjoying anything we are doing this year, share the love with any brothers that you know in the area!

    Don't see your chapter listed in the graph above?

    Let's change that this month!

    Be sure to call/text your pledge brothers and let them know by renewing their DFWAA membership this month, they can snag one of our 2021 DFWAA membership polos!

    ^^^You Read that Right ^^^

    Due to the winter storm, we have decided to allow until Saturday, March 20th for our sign up incentives!

      (See more info below)

    SERVICE/Social Fraternity:

    In Lieu of a Regional Spotlight for February, we wanted to reach out to all our Brothers that are missing the Community Service aspect of ODPhi. 

    Our Service Chairman, Steven Olson, has made it his goal to seek community service opportunities that are right for our members, and that help reconnect us with the undergraduate chapters in the area. Check out these two events below:

    • UTA Community Service Event:
      What: Can Food Drive
      When: WedMarch 24th All Day
      Site: On UTA campus
      Contact: UTA Service Chairman: Cisco fgc.rodeo2016@gmail.com 
      We will also post a link in our Facebook Group as soon as it is avail.

             Additional Info: NTFB offers volunteer opportunities weekday and weekends. In order to do a group sign up, we need to sign up individually on the same date. This is why volunteer registration is important.

    If you have an idea for a service event that would be a right fit for the DFWAA, please contact Steven at the email above.

    What's in Store for this March?

    March 9 - DFWAA Meeting

    What: Monthly DFWAA Meeting

    When: Tues, March 9th  8PM-9PM

    How: See our Facebook Page for Zoom Link

    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar

    Details: Monthly chapter meeting for event planning held the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

    March 16 - Presidential Candidate Q&A

    What: Zoom Q&A w/ the 3 National President Candidates

    Who: All ODPhi 

    When: Tuesday, March 16th 6:30-8PM

    How: See our Facebook Page for Zoom Link

    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar

    Details: 15 min presentations followed by Quick Q&A

    March 20 - Private Movie Night Farmers Branch

    What: Renting Out 2 Cinemark Theaters for a Family Movie Knight!
    Who: ODPhi, Friends, and Family  (Limit 80 people)
    hen: Saturday, March 20th 4:30-7PM
    How: RSVP For you and your friends here!
    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar
    Where: Cinemark 17 11819 Webb Chapel Rd, Dallas, TX 75234
    Details: We have rented out 2 private theaters. Invite your friends/family!

    Theater 1: Tom and Jerry
    Theater 2: Back to the Future


    Bruhhhh, For Real, they're that big!

    What: Red Snapper Fishing Trip to Galveston
    Who: Open Invite
    When: Weekend in June
    How: Text Mike- 6825514000 or reply to this email.
    Deadline: We need to secure # of spot by Friday, March 12th!
    Cost: $100/person to fish. Plus airbnb, gas, and roadtrip expenses.

    Current Options:

    Galveston Party Boats- 12 hr- 40-80 miles out-provide rod and reel-No alcohol-can bring a 9x9 cooler or backpack-have food and beer to purchase on board

    Williams Party Boat-12 hr- 40-80 miles out-provide rod and reel-No alcohol-can bring a 9x9 cooler or backpack-have food and beer to purchase on board


    Membership Perks!


    Just 15 Days Left to renew your membership and claim your membership polo!!!

    What: Membership Drive - January Incentives

    When: Jan 1st to March 20th

    How: Renew your Membership Today (Click Here)!!!


    New Alumni (1st yr alumni) ($10): 2021 Challenge coin, DFWAA letter w/ SWAG item

    Active Knight ($40): above incentives + Community Service T-shirt

    Charitable Knight ($100): above incentives + 2021 DFWAA Polo

    Compassionate Knights & Business Partners ($200): All incentives above

    Thank you for your time in reading this newsletter, keep safe, and Happy St. Paddy's day, everyone! 

    One DFW,


ODPHI DFW Alumni, PO Box 142951, Irving, Texas 75014, 507-400-1987

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