This Month's Newsletter is sponsored by Martinez Concrete. If you're looking to replace your driveway or want a new concrete patio, call Martinez Concrete, a proud sponsor of the Knights Classic.
It is thanks to your annual sponsorship that we are able to host the Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors this year!
Our charity tournament will be held
THIS Friday, October 7th 8AM
Thank you to all of our Sponsors this year for your continued support.
Liberty Realty Advisors
My Bookkeeping Guy
Salcido Family Medicine
Three Point Realty Group
Greater Houston Healthcare Solutions
Len Chavez and Edward Jones Financial Advisors
Beta Theta Chapter of Omega Delta Phi
Custer Remodeling
Cantu Family Foundation
Odyssey Information Services
Zeit Energy CNG Fueling Services
San Antonio Alumni Association of Omega Delta Phi
The Long Le Life
RB3 Roofing and Construction
Kreative Photography
Want Monthly event reminders?
Join our Monthly Text group.
Send the word "DFWAA" to 682-551-4000
click here to follow our Monthly DFWAA Meeting Invite
Want to get involved?
See opportunities below
DFW Alumni Association
(Plan DFW Social and Service Events)
Simply reply to This email!
ODPhi National Alumni Association:
(Help Establish and Expand ODPhi Alumni Nationally)
contact : Jose Lara
DFW Alumni Advisors and Volunteers:
(Advisors working to Support N. TX Undergraduate Chapters)
Contact: Sergio Gonzales
Alpha Alumni Association:
(Supporting Alpha Chapter in Lubbock, TX)
Contact: Mike Dominguez
Membership is Just a Click Away!
~October Challenge~

Tag us on Social Media with your costume to enter!
Winner will be drawn at random on November 6th
Chairman's Message:
Hello Brothers,
Happy October Brothers! The Knight's Classic is finally here!!! I can't wait to hang out with you all this Friday. This tournament has grown to be one of the largest ways that the DFW Alumni Association is able to give back to the community each year, and we would not have been able to make it this far without your support!
Our organization has provided tens of thousands of dollars in donation to students over the years, and we are not showing any signs of slowing down. It fills me with pride when I am able to share this event with friends or colleagues, as it is both a great experience and has such a great impact on the lives of the students that are awarded scholarships.
For those of you coming out, I wish you the best of luck. To those who were unable to attend this year, I hope that you will consider signing up a team for 2023, or help help share this event with your work or business in the hopes that we can continue to grow our sponsor base and grow our total annual scholarships that we are able to award.
With that being said, may the odds be ever in your favor this weekend, and here's to more treats than tricks this season.
Yours in Service and Brotherhood,
Mike Dominguez
2022 DFWAA Chairman
What's Going on in October
Friday, October 7th 8:00 AM

What: 19th Annual Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors
Who: Everyone
When: Friday, October 7th 8:00 AM
How: See our Facebook Event Page
Details: 19th Annual Charity Golf Tournament to raise scholarship funds for Undergraduate College Students and College-Bound High School Seniors living in the DFW Metroplex.
We wish the best to all of our members that are celebrating their birthdays in October!

Sergio Gonzales (Top L.)- Alpha (Omicron) - Texas Tech University/ UTD
Jesus Tapia (Top C.) - Alpha Xi - Baylor University
Abraham Galceran (Top R.) - Alpha Omicron - University of Texas Dallas
Juan Armijo (Bottom L.) - Alpha Chi - University of North Texas
Edward Baca (Bottom C.) - Alpha - Texas Tech University
Bryan Rodriguez (Bottom R.) - Sigma - Southern Methodist University

Upcoming Events:
Sat. Oct. 22nd- Tailgate VS West Virginia @ TBD
Sat. Oct. 29th- Alumni Tailgate VS Baylor @ TBD
Sat. Nov. 12th- Tailgate VS Kansas @ TBD
Sat. Nov. 19th- 35TH Anniversary Celebration Weekend @ TBD
Sat. Nov. 26th- Tailgate VS OU @ TBD
Monthly DFWAA Meeting
Tuesday Oct 11th 7:30PM
What: Monthly DFWAA Meeting
2022 When: Tues, Oct 11th 7:30PM-8:30PM
How: See our RSVP link for Google link
Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar
Details: Monthly chapter meeting for event planning held the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Coming up Next Month
Omega Delta Phi's 35 Anniversary Celebration
Fri Nov 18th- Sat Nov19th

Come Celebrate ODPhi's 35th Anniversary in Lubbock, TX
When: November 18-19th
Where: Lubbock, TX
- Friday- Golf and Networking
- Saturday- Chapter Banquet, Founder's Panel, and Knight Life
(Significant others welcome to attend)

Wed Nov 23rd
87 Thanksgiving Happy Hour and Turkey Bowling Competition.
When: Wednesday Nov 23rd 7PM-9PM
Turkey Bowling starts at 8:07PM
Who: All DFWAA friends 21+
What: This event will kick off our Elf Toy Drive for 2022, so make sure to bring a toy to donate to our drive for a special token of appreciation!
Where: Hooligans Pub in Arlington, TX
310 E Abram St #150, Arlington, TX 76010
Thank you for your time in reading this newsletter. Have a great month and keep cool, everyone!
One DFW,