2023 In Review

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DFWAA Monthly Newsletters Below

  • Tuesday, December 06, 2022 4:10 PM | Anonymous

    Monthly DFWAA Meeting

    Tuesday Dec 6th  6:00PM



    Below are your 2023 candidates. Please plan to attend this meeting in person or virtually if you plan to run for a chair and help our organization grow over the next year! 

    Positions available include:

    1. Chairman:  Public Leader of organization, leads meetings, works with other chairs to ensure monthly tasks and deadlines are reached

    2. Vice Chairman: Assists Chairman with delegation of tasks, runs meetings and acts a lead in Chairman's absence

    3. Treasurer: Updates monthly budget, collects receipts, provides bank account updates

    4. Community Engagement  Chair (Social): Plans social events, and membership Drives

    5. Community Service Chair: Plans Service events and Fundraisers

    6. Scholarship Chair: Arranges distribution of scholarship material to schools, organizes the reading, grading, and awarding of annual scholarships.

    7. Knights Classic Chair: Organizes Knights Classic Golf Tournament, plans budget,  seeks out donors, and promotes attendance.

    8. Public Relations/ Social Media: Schedules social media posts

    9. Historian: Documents events by taking photos and attendance.

    10. Fundraising Chair: Plans and organizes DFWAA fundraising events for operational budget.

    11. Graduation Gala: Plans June Gala, meets with hotel personnel, sets budget,  purchases awards, and promotes attendance. 

    12. Chaplain: Checks on brotherhood wellness. Guides member with monthly advise to help us keep aligned with our Values of Unity, Honesty, Integrity, and Leadership.

    What: Monthly DFWAA Meeting

    How: See our RSVP link for Google link

    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar

    Details: Monthly chapter meeting for event planning held the 2nd Tuesday of each month. 

    January New Member WING KNIGHT!

    Free Dinner for all New/ Renewed Membership!

    More info TBA

    Thank you for your time in reading this newsletter. Have a great month and great end of the year. It has been an honor and a privilege.

    One DFW,


  • Saturday, November 05, 2022 4:49 PM | Anonymous

    ~Halloween Challenge~

    Tag us on Social Media with your costume to enter!
    Winner will be drawn at random on November 6th

    Chairman's Message: 

    Hello Brothers,

    Happy November to all! Last month we had a great time out at our annual golf tournament. It was awesome getting to see to many familiar faces and to meet some brothers for the first time! I would say it was one of our most diverse alumni attended events that we have hosted in the past couple years. I was glad to see brothers both young and old distinguished hanging out and having a great time out a Irving Golf Club.

    Now that October has passed, we find ourselves entering the end of the year holiday season. Both November and December are the times that we really double down on our mission to help the surrounding DFW with our Annual Turkey Food Drive and our Elf Toy Drive.

    I hope that you all can find it in your hearts to help donate to these great causes, and/or to support us by sharing these events with your friends and family. It is only through you, our readers and dedicated DFW network that we are able to continue to grow these programs year after year. 

    As always if you need anything, or would just like to chat, feel free to reach out at my contact below.

    Yours in Service and Brotherhood,

    Mike Dominguez

    2022 DFWAA Chairman

    October Wrap up

    Another HUGE Success for the Knights Classic Scholarship Golf Tournament Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors!

    Click here to see all of our Team photos like the above!

    We cannot thank everyone enough for their support of this year scholarship golf tournament. Thanks to your support we were able to break our previous attendance record of 113 by having a Whopping 126 participants in our 2022 tournament!  Not only that, but thanks to your donations,  next year's scholarships will bring our organization to over $100,000 in college scholarships awarded to college students since 2015!

     Our Knights Classic Tournament has always been one of our stand out events for the DFWAA, and would never have made it this many years without the growing support of our volunteers, our annual sponsors, and the support of brothers and their friends that they bring out to golf each year.

    We would like to give a special shout out to our Title Sponsor, JJ Chapa and Liberty Realty Advisors!. For years JJ and his team have made the annual commitment not only to sponsor this tournament, but to come out as a team to help stuff gift bags, set up registration, taking pictures around the course, and making sure everyone is having a great time. The DFWAA are always greatful to have them come out each year, and we are excited to see the Liberty Realty Group and all of our other participants/ volunteers out on the course next year! 

    The Knights Classic will return on October 6, 2023 Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors at the Irving Golf Club. We will be celebrating our 20th Anniversary of the Knights Classic. We encourage everyone to save the date and to register early before we sell out again.

    Thank you to all of our Sponsors this year for your continued support. 


     Liberty Realty Advisors
    Martinez Concrete
    My Bookkeeping Guy
    Salcido Family Medicine
    Three Point Realty Group
    Greater Houston Healthcare Solutions
    Len Chavez and Edward Jones Financial Advisors
    Beta Theta Chapter of Omega Delta Phi
    Custer Remodeling
    Cantu Family Foundation
    Odyssey Information Services
    Zeit Energy CNG Fueling Services
    San Antonio Alumni Association of Omega Delta Phi 

    The Long Le Life
    RB3 Roofing and Construction
    Kreative Photography

    What's Going on in November


    Regional Shout out

    Theta Chapter

    Car Show in Canyon, Tx

    Football, tailgating, music, CARS and Trucks! What more could you ask for for on a Saturday? November 5th Omega Delta Phi Theta Chapter is hosting the first ever Car Show at WTAMU. Sign up your car or truck today!



    Brothers Against Drunk Driving Event

     Canyon, Tx

    Omega Delta Phi Theta Chapter presents BADD Brothers Against Drunk Driving! Come hear about the Andreas project! Drinking and driving is no joke!


    Monthly DFWAA Meeting

    Tuesday Nov 8th  7:30PM


    What: Monthly DFWAA Meeting

    2022 When: Tues, Nov 8th  7:30PM-8:30PM

    How: See our RSVP link for Google link

    Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar

    Details: Monthly chapter meeting for event planning held the 2nd Tuesday of each month. 

    Omega Delta Phi's 35 Anniversary Celebration

    Fri Nov 18th- Sat Nov19th

    Lubbock, TX

    Come Celebrate ODPhi's 35th Anniversary in Lubbock, TX

    When: November 18-19th
    Where: Lubbock, TX


    1PM-5PM: Golf with the Undergrads
    7:30PM: Opening Ceremonies
    8:30PM: Career Networking and Mixer


    8:30AM-9:30PM Breakfast at the Hilton Hotel
    Brothers: 10AM-3PM Alumni/ Undergraduate Meetings
    Significant Others: 10AM-3PM: Wine Tasting and LBK Tour
    7:00PM- 35th Anniversary Dinner and Founder's Discussion Panel

      (Significant others welcome to attend)


    Thanksgiving Food Drive!

    Now Until Nov 20th

    What: This year we are going to sponsor 25 families in Carrollton ISD. With your help, our goal is to raise $2,500 to be split amongst the families so they may celebrate the holidays
    Who: Everyone is welcome to help! 
    When: Donation welcomed now until Sunday, November 20th
    How: Donate Today through our site!

    Donate via our website or through our Venmo @dfwodphi

    Questions: Contact Long Le 469-258-9698


    Wed Nov 23rd

    Arlington, TX


    87 Thanksgiving Happy Hour and Turkey Bowling Competition.

    When: Wednesday Nov 23rd 7PM-9PM

    Turkey Bowling starts at 8:07PM

    Who: All DFWAA friends 21+

    What: This event will kick off our Elf Toy Drive for 2022, so make sure to bring a toy to donate to our drive for a special token of appreciation! 

    Where: Hooligans Pub in Arlington, TX

    310 E Abram St #150, Arlington, TX 76010

    We wish the best to all of our members that are celebrating their birthdays in November!

    Marcos Ortiz (T. Left)- Tau- University of Texas at Arlington

    Marshall Morgan (T. Center)- Epsilon- Arizona State University

    Juan Acosta (T. Right)- Alpha Omicron- University of Texas Dallas

    Gene Perez (M. Left)- Delta- Texas A&M University

    Javier Lopez (M. Right)- Delta- Texas A&M University

    Albert Martinez (B. Left)- Alpha- Texas Tech University

    Jesus Ipina (B. Right)- Delta- Texas A&M University

    Hector Alejandro- Xi- The University of Oklahoma

    Daniel Murray- Sigma- Southern Methodist University

    Juan Rios- Sigma- Southern Methodist University

    Upcoming Events:

    Sat. Nov. 12th- Tailgate VS Kansas @ TBD

    Sat. Nov. 19th- 35TH Anniversary Celebration Weekend @ TBD

    Sat. Nov. 26th- Tailgate VS OU @ TBD

    Coming up Next Month 

    DFWAA Knight Out at the MAVS Game!

    Friday, Dec. 16th

    Dallas, TX

    Who: All DFWAA Members and Family are welcome!

    What: The DFWAA has purchased a group or 30 tickets together for the Dallas Mavericks vs Portland. We are selling them to our members for $27 a person.

    When: Friday December 16th 7:30PM

    Where:  American Airlines Center 2500 Victory Ave, Dallas, TX 75219

    How: If you would like to go and be a part of it, Venmo @DFWODPHI $27 ticket that you would like. Please include your ticket count in the comment.

    Questions? Contact

    Jose Lara


    (214) 883-1377

    or reply to this email.

  • Wednesday, October 05, 2022 6:15 PM | Anonymous

    This Month's Newsletter is sponsored by Martinez Concrete. If you're looking to replace your driveway or want a new concrete patio, call Martinez Concrete, a proud sponsor of the Knights Classic.

    It is thanks to your annual sponsorship that we are able to host the Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors this year!

    Our charity tournament will be held

    THIS Friday, October 7th 8AM

    Thank you to all of our Sponsors this year for your continued support.


     Liberty Realty Advisors
    My Bookkeeping Guy
    Salcido Family Medicine
    Three Point Realty Group
    Greater Houston Healthcare Solutions
    Len Chavez and Edward Jones Financial Advisors
    Beta Theta Chapter of Omega Delta Phi
    Custer Remodeling
    Cantu Family Foundation
    Odyssey Information Services
    Zeit Energy CNG Fueling Services
    San Antonio Alumni Association of Omega Delta Phi 
    The Long Le Life
    RB3 Roofing and Construction
    Kreative Photography

    Want Monthly event reminders?

    Join our Monthly Text group.

    Send the word "DFWAA" to 682-551-4000

    click here to follow our Monthly DFWAA Meeting Invite 

    Want to get involved?

    See opportunities below

    DFW Alumni Association

    (Plan DFW Social and Service Events)

    Simply reply to This email!


    ODPhi National Alumni Association:

    (Help Establish and Expand ODPhi Alumni Nationally)

    contact : Jose Lara



    DFW Alumni Advisors and Volunteers:

    (Advisors working to Support N. TX Undergraduate Chapters)

    Contact: Sergio Gonzales



    Alpha Alumni Association:

    (Supporting Alpha Chapter in Lubbock, TX)

    Contact: Mike Dominguez


    Membership is Just a Click Away!

    ~October Challenge~

    Tag us on Social Media with your costume to enter!

    Winner will be drawn at random on November 6th

    Chairman's Message:

    Hello Brothers,

    Happy October Brothers! The Knight's Classic is finally here!!! I can't wait to hang out with you all this Friday. This tournament has grown to be one of the largest ways that the DFW Alumni Association is able to give back to the community each year, and we would not have been able to make it this far without your support!

    Our organization has provided tens of thousands of dollars in donation to students over the years, and we are not showing any signs of slowing down. It fills me with pride when I am able to share this event with friends or colleagues, as it is both a great experience and has such a great impact on the lives of the students that are awarded scholarships.

    For those of you coming out, I wish you the best of luck. To those who were unable to attend this year, I hope that you will consider signing up a team for 2023, or help help share this event with your work or business in the hopes that we can continue to grow our sponsor base and grow our total annual scholarships that we are able to award.

    With that being said, may the odds be ever in your favor this weekend, and here's to more treats than tricks this season.

    Yours in Service and Brotherhood,

    Mike Dominguez

    2022 DFWAA Chairman



    What's Going on in October
    Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors

    Friday, October 7th 8:00 AM

    What: 19th Annual Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors

    Who: Everyone

    When: Friday, October 7th 8:00 AM

    How: See our Facebook Event Page

    Details: 19th Annual Charity Golf Tournament to raise scholarship funds for Undergraduate College Students and College-Bound High School Seniors living in the DFW Metroplex.

    We wish the best to all of our members that are celebrating their birthdays in October!

    Sergio Gonzales (Top L.)- Alpha (Omicron) - Texas Tech University/ UTD

    Jesus Tapia (Top C.) - Alpha Xi - Baylor University

    Abraham Galceran (Top R.) - Alpha Omicron - University of Texas Dallas

    Juan Armijo (Bottom L.) - Alpha Chi - University of North Texas

    Edward Baca (Bottom C.) - Alpha - Texas Tech University

    Bryan Rodriguez (Bottom R.) - Sigma - Southern Methodist University

    Upcoming Events:

    Sat. Oct. 22nd- Tailgate VS West Virginia @ TBD

    Sat. Oct. 29th- Alumni Tailgate VS Baylor @ TBD

    Sat. Nov. 12th- Tailgate VS Kansas @ TBD

    Sat. Nov. 19th- 35TH Anniversary Celebration Weekend @ TBD

    Sat. Nov. 26th- Tailgate VS OU @ TBD

    Monthly DFWAA Meeting

    Tuesday Oct 11th  7:30PM

      What: Monthly DFWAA Meeting

      2022 When: Tues, Oct 11th  7:30PM-8:30PM

      How: See our RSVP link for Google link

      Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar

      Details: Monthly chapter meeting for event planning held the 2nd Tuesday of each month. 

      Coming up Next Month

      Omega Delta Phi's 35 Anniversary Celebration

      Fri Nov 18th- Sat Nov19th

      Come Celebrate ODPhi's 35th Anniversary in Lubbock, TX

      When: November 18-19th
      Where: Lubbock, TX

      • Friday- Golf and Networking
      • Saturday- Chapter Banquet, Founder's Panel, and Knight Life
        (Significant others welcome to attend)



      Wed Nov 23rd

      87 Thanksgiving Happy Hour and Turkey Bowling Competition.

      When: Wednesday Nov 23rd 7PM-9PM

      Turkey Bowling starts at 8:07PM

      Who: All DFWAA friends 21+

      What: This event will kick off our Elf Toy Drive for 2022, so make sure to bring a toy to donate to our drive for a special token of appreciation!

      Where: Hooligans Pub in Arlington, TX

      310 E Abram St #150, Arlington, TX 76010

      Thank you for your time in reading this newsletter. Have a great month and keep cool, everyone!

      One DFW,


    1. Monday, September 05, 2022 7:45 PM | Anonymous

      This Month's Newsletter is sponsored by our Title Sponsor,  Liberty Realty Advisors. If you are in the market to buy or sell your home. Make sure to give JJ Chapa and his team a call.

      It is thanks to your annual sponsorship that we are able to host the Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors this year!

      Our charity tournament will be held on Friday,  October 7th!

      Sign up your team today at knightsclassic.com!

      Want Monthly event reminders?

      Join our Monthly Text group

      Send the word "DFWAA" to 682-551-4000

      click here to follow our Monthly DFWAA Meeting Invite 

      Want to get involved?

      See opportunities below

      DFW Alumni Association
      (Plan DFW Social and Service Events)

      Simply reply to This email! 


      ODPhi National Alumni Association:
      (Help Establish and Expand ODPhi Alumni Nationally)
      contact : Jose Lara



      DFW Alumni Advisors and Volunteers:
      (Advisors working to Support N. TX Undergraduate Chapters)

      Contact: Sergio Gonzales


      Alpha Alumni Association:
      (Supporting Alpha Chapter in Lubbock, TX)

      Contact: Mike Dominguez

      Please enjoy our September Newsletter below:

      Membership is Just a Click Away!

      Renew your Membership today and receive the below additional Perks! 

      1) New Alumni- $10.00 Annual:

      (Includes 2022 Challenge Coin, Free or Discounted Entry to DFWAA Monthly Events, DFWAA Letter and SWAG ITEM)

      2) Active Knight- $40.00 Annual:

      (Above Perks + Community Service T-Shirt)

      3) Charitable Knight- $100.00 Annual

      (Above Perks + DFWAA Hat)

      4) Hype Knight- $10.00 Monthly Automatic Recurring Payments

      (Above Perks)

      5) 1987 Club- $19.87 Monthly Automatic Recurring Payments

      (Above Perks)

      6) Compassionate Knight or Business Partner- $200.00 Annual

      (Above Perks)



      Chairman Scholarship Winners Message: 

      Hello Brothers,

      We are one month away from the Knights Classic Golf Tournament! Hopefully you have your teams picked out and hotels booked (if needed). I cannot tell you guys how much it means to us in the DFWAA to see the Knight's Classic tournament each year, and the impact that it makes to the students that receive our scholarships. Therefore, we wanted to give some of our award recipients a moment to share their thanks to you, our generous donors.

      "As an incoming Freshman at University of Texas at Arlington, majoring in nursing I plan to use the Omega Delta Phi Scholarship toward my educational purpose of studying to become a Nurse Practitioner. With the help and assistance of the scholarship it will allow me to be one step closer to my future goal. - Zierra Williams - UT Arlington, 2022 Scholarship Recipient

      "Thank you so much for choosing me as a scholarship recipient. I will use this scholarship to help pay for my tuition at Collin College. I am hoping to become an elementary school teacher and this scholarship will help me achieve my goal." - Amaya Ramirez - Collin College, 2022 Scholarship Recipient

      "I plan to use the scholarship funds to fund my computer science degree at the University of Texas at Austin. With my degree, I intend to aid other minority women within the technology field. This way, the scholarship will be paid forward towards those in need, like me."

      Ximena Salazar - UT Austin,  2022 Scholarship Recipient

      As always, my contact info is below, keep safe, and May the Final Fantasy Odds Be Ever In Your Favor!

      Yours in Service and Brotherhood,

      Mike Dominguez



      August Wrap up


      DFWAA Celebrates the End of Summer at 

      Bahama Billy's Cantina and Resort

      Thank you to Billy Macklin and his family for hosting our End of Summer BBQ and School Supply Drop off this year. ChefReal Estate GuruSoccer Coach, Billy Macklin, grilled up the grub, while attendees enjoyed the pool, corn hole and Spike Ball. Thanks again to everyone that came out and to those that brought donations.

      DFWAA donates $1,000 in School Supplies to Fort Worth ISD Students! 

      Thank you again to everyone that liked, shared, and/or donated to our school supply drive this year. Thanks to your support we were able to raise $700 in monetary donations in addition to over $300 in donated school supplies. We are happy to continue to hold events like these to support our DFW community.


      What's Going on in September

      Virtual Happy Hour

      Thurs, Sept 15th


      Who: DFW Alumni Association Friends and Family
      What: Virtual Happy Hour over Google Meets
      When: 7:00PM-8:07PM
      Where: Via Google Meets link HERE

      Add this event to your google calendar CLICK HERE 

      We wish the best to all of our members that are celebrating their birthdays in September!

      Gabriel Ramirez (Top Left)- Alpha - Texas Tech University

      Roger Larson (Top Center)- Alpha Omicron - University of Texas Dallas

      Luis Nieto (Top Right)- Xi - University of Oklahoma

      David Leija (Left Center) - Alpha - Texas Tech University

      Alejandro Lopez (Right Center)- Alpha Omicron - University of Texas Dallas

      Noe Mendoza (Bottom Left)- Alpha Chi & Delta - University of North Texas & Texas A&M

      Rawburt Martinez (Bottom Right)- Alpha Chi - University of North Texas

      North Texas Rush Shout Out

      Hit up these events or share these events if you are in the area!

      Midwestern State
      Wichita Falls, TX

      Upcoming Events:

      Tues. Sept 6th- 6:00PM- Madden Tournament @ Olympus

      Wed. Sept 7th- 5:30PM- Field Day @ Field One

      Thur. Sept 8th- 5:00PM- Informational @ Cheyenne

      Fri. Sept 9th- Invite Only- Interviews @ Cheyenne

      Sat. Sept 10th- Invite Only- Cookout @ TBA

    2. Monday, September 05, 2022 7:40 PM | Anonymous

      West Texas A&M
      Canyon, TX

      Upcoming Events:

      Fall Rush is Completed

      Sat. Sept. 17th- 4:00 PM- 6:00 PM- Kickoff Tailgate @ Message for Details

      Texas Tech University
      Lubbock, TX

      Upcoming Events:

      Fall Rush is Completed

      Sat. Sept 10th- Tailgate VS Houston @ TBD

      Sat. Sept 24th- Tailgate VS Texas @ TBD

      Sat. Oct. 22nd- Tailgate VS West Virginia @ TBD

      Sat. Oct. 29th- Alumni Tailgate VS Baylor @ TBD

      Sat. Nov. 12th- Tailgate VS Kansas @ TBD

      Sat. Nov. 19th- 35TH Anniversary Celebration Weekend @ TBD

      Sat. Nov. 26th- Tailgate VS OU @ TBD

      University of North Texas 

      Denton, TX

      Upcoming Events:

      Thurs. Sept. 8th- 7:00PM-11:00PM- Greek Showcase, strolling, and informational @ Message for Details

      Mon. Sept. 12th- 7:00PM -9:30PM- Informational @ TBA

      Tues. Sept. 13th- 7:00PM-9:00PM- Service Event with DPO Sorority @ TBA

      Wed. Sept. 14th- - Social Event @ TBA

      Thurs. Sept. 15th- 7:00PM-9:00PM- SMU and UNT Joint Dinner @ Denton, TX

      Fri. Sept 16th- 7:00PM-9:00PM- Bowling Knight @ TBA

      Wed. Sept. 21st- 6:30PM-8:00PM- Alumni Mixer @ TBA

      Fri. Sept 23rd- 6:30PM-8:00PM- Dinner w/ The Knights @ TBA

      Southern Methodist University Colony
      Dallas, TX

      Upcoming Events:

      Thurs. Sept. 8th- 7:00PM-9:00PM- Greek Showcase @ Hughes-Trigg Student Center

      Mon. Sept 12th- 6:00PM -7:00PM- Informational @ TBA

      Thurs. Sept. 15th- 7:00PM-9:00PM- SMU and UNT Joint Dinner @ Denton, TX

      Fri. Sept 16th- 7:00PM-10:00PM- Study Knight @ TBA

      Texas A&M Commerce

      Commerce, TX

      Upcoming Events:

      Mon. Sept 12th- 11:30AM-2:00PM- Paleta Giveaway @ Campus Crossroad

      Tues. Sept. 13th- 5:00PM -7:00PM- Informational @ RSC-Room Inspiration

      Thurs. Sept. 15th- 5:00PM -7:00PM- Informational @ RSC-Room Inspiration

      Fri. Sept 16th- By appointment- Interviews @ TBA

      Texas Christian University 

      Fort Worth, TX


      Upcoming Events:

      Mon. Sept 5th- 6:00PM- 8:00PM- Study Knight @ RHW

      Fri. Sept 9th- 7:00PM- Volleyball Knight @ Rec Center

      Monthly DFWAA Meeting

      Tuesday Sept. 13th  7:30PM

      What: Monthly DFWAA Meeting

      2022 When: Tues, Sept 13th  7:30PM-8:30PM

      How: See our RSVP link for Google link

      Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar

      Details: Monthly chapter meeting for event planning held the 2nd Tuesday of each month. 

      Coming up Next Month 

      Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors

      Friday, October 7th 8:00 AM

      What: 19th Annual Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors
      Who: Everyone
      When: Friday, October 7th 8:00 AM
      How: See our Facebook Event Page

      Details: 19th Annual Charity Golf Tournament to raise scholarship funds for Undergraduate College Students and College-Bound High School Seniors living in the DFW Metroplex.

      To sign up and play or to become a sponsor at Knights Classic, Click HERE 

      Thank you all for reading this newsletter and for your continued support!

    3. Wednesday, August 03, 2022 12:59 PM | Anonymous

      This Month's Newsletter is sponsored by Odyssey Information Services . Check them out for your IT Consulting and recruiting needs!

      It is thanks to your annual sponsorship that we are able to host the Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors this year! Our charity tournament will be held on Friday,  October 7th! Sign up your team today at knightsclassic.com!

      Want Monthly event reminders? Join our Monthly Text group. 

      Send the word "DFWAA" to 682-551-4000

      click here to follow our Monthly DFWAA Meeting Invite 

      Please enjoy our August Newsletter below:

      Chairman Message: 

      Hello Brothers,

      It is TOASTY OUT! Honestly, our summer BBQ and that cool Fall Tailgate season cannot come quick enough! I hope that you all have been safe from the heat and from the rising COVID infections going around. The DFWAA has been busy this summer, networking with other greeks, attending Nationals in Houston, and hanging out with our DFW brotherhood.

      This summer has been a memorable one, and whether its a quick 30 minute pop in at an event, or volunteering to join our Executive Board. I encourage you all to take the time to meet us up and rekindle that brotherhood fire.

      As always, my contact info is below, I'm always down for a chat, dinner, or hang out.

      Keep safe and Keep the HYPE Bros!

      Yours in Service and Brotherhood,

      Mike Dominguez



      July Wrap up


      ODPhi Takes Over on the Space City
      for 2022 National Convention

      Nationals in Houston this year was a great turn out for both Undergrad and Alumni. With the new Alumni centered workshops, golf tournament, Alumni Social, and more. It was definitely one for the books! Next year's National Conference will be held at Epsilon Chapter, in Phoenix, Arizona.

      Vice President of Alumni Engagement, Jose Lara, and National President, Jesus Apodaca, laid our their plans for Revamping Alumni Engagement, as well as their plans for creating Professional Rush Program for those graduated individuals that share our values of serving the community but find ODPhi after college.

      If you are interested in helping our national organization connect and grow its alumni chapters across the Nation. Please contact:

      Jose Lara
      Vice President of Alumni Engagement

      DFWAA Gives out $5,000 In Scholarships in Remembrance of our Departed Brothers Who Have the Omega Chapter

      Thank you to all of the brothers that applied to our Omega scholarships. And of course Thank you to you, our DFW community for your support. With your donations, we were able to award $5000 in scholarships to our undergraduate brothers while at the Houston Conference. 

      DFWAA Places 2nd in KDChi Dallas's First Annual DFW Greek Field Day

      The DFWAA's Field Day Team had a great time competing in this first DFW Field day event. ODPhi started out strong by sweeping the first 3 events, but after a hard fought competition, placed 2nd Place overall in the Tournament. We are thankful for the KDChi Dallas Alumni Association for setting up this event, and it was great to network with the other DFW Greek Alumni In the area. We look forward to more mixed events in the future! 

      DFWAA Shuffleboard Brunch and Salsa Sunday was a success! 

      Thank you to everyone that came out to our July Brunch at Electric Shuffle in Deep Ellum! The Sunday Funday Crew enjoyed great eats and fun games followed by dancing at Yellow Rosa to celebrate national tequila day. (Did we mention, Yellow Rosa Featured us in their Sunday Funday Promotional video on social media?) 

      Shoutout to our Brothers who competed in the Dallas Fight2Win Jujitsu Tournament
      last Weekend!

      We would like to give a shout out to our Brothers Miguel H. and Joseph O. for their amazing performance at the Fight2Win Tournament. The two gave it their all in their respective weight class matches. Great job out there brothers, and thank you to the brothers that made it out to cheer on our brothers. We are looking forward to seeing y'all at the next one!


      What's Going on in August

      We wish the best to all of our members that are celebrating their birthdays in August!

      Luis A Gonzalez- Delta Chapter- Texas A&M University

      Seven Olson- Eta Chapter- Sam Houston State University

      Rito Guia- Sigma Chapter- Southern Methodist University


      End of Summer Pool Party


      Grab some schools supplies to donate and bring your appetite to our annual End of Summer BBQ and Pool Party. This event marks the end of our school supply drive for the elementary school children in FT Worth ISD. 

      RSVP for the Party so we buy enough food! 

      Click here to send a donation and help a child today!

      Or send us a donation via VENMO:  @dfwodphi

      Thank you all for your support!


      Monthly DFWAA Meeting

      Tuesday Aug 9th  7:30PM

      What: Monthly DFWAA Meeting

      2022 When: Tues, July 12th  7:30PM-8:30PM

      How: See our RSVP link for Google link

      Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar

      Details: Monthly chapter meeting for event planning held the 2nd Tuesday of each month. 

      Coming up Next Month 

      Virtual Happy Hour

      Thurs, Sept 15th

      Who: DFW Alumni Association Friends and Family
      What: Virtual Happy Hour over Google Meets
      When: 7:00PM-8:07PM
      Where: Via Google Meets link HERE

      Add this event to your google calendar CLICK HERE 

      Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors

      Friday, October 7th 8:00 AM

      What: 19th Annual Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors
      Who: Everyone
      When: Friday, October 7th 8:00 AM
      How: See our Facebook Event Page

      Details: 19th Annual Charity Golf Tournament to raise scholarship funds for Undergraduate College Students and College-Bound High School Seniors living in the DFW Metroplex.

      To sign up and play or to become a sponsor at Knights Classic, Click HERE 

      Thank you for your time in reading this newsletter. Have a great month and keep cool, everyone!

      One DFW,


    4. Wednesday, July 06, 2022 8:13 PM | Anonymous

      Greetings Brothers, I wanted to change up our monthly newsletter in order to share information about our recently departed brother, Fred Pecina. 

      Fred has been a part of our brotherhood since the beginning, and was a major supporter of its growth over the years. Chances are if you have been to any of our events over the years, you would have ran into Fred laughing and talking with fellow alumni at some point. He will surely be missed by all. If you would like to attend his services in Fort Worth, the information is below.

      Obituary can be found here


      When: Thursday, July 7, 2022  6:00 to 8:00 p.m.Where:  Live Oak Room - Greenwood Funeral Home.

      3100 White Settlement Road

       Fort Worth, TX 76107

      Celebration of Life:

      When:  Saturday, July 9, 2022 2:30 p.m.

      Where: Greenwood Chapel - Greenwood Funeral Home

      3100 White Settlement Road Fort Worth, TX 76107

      Chairman Message: 

      Hello Brothers,

      We are officially half way through the year. It is at this time that we get into our fundraising and portion of our programming. Please check out our upcomming events and help out where you are able. Whether its signing up, donating, or simply liking and sharing our posts. 

      This month we are kicking off our School Supply Drive to benefit Ft Worth Elementary schools, we are also continuing sign ups for our Scholarship golf tournament.

      Whether its out in Houston next week for National Convention, out in the field for Greek Field Day, or out in Deep Ellum for our July Brunch, I encourage you to come out and get to know the DFWAA 

      Mike Dominguezdfwaachairman@gmail.com 682-551-4000

      An 87 Wedding to Remember!

      We would like to wish a warm congratulations to ODPhi Brother, Joe Reimer, and KDChi member, Vanessa Lopez Reimer, who celebrated their wedding last weekend. With several 87 fam in attendance, you can be sure that it was a HYPE Celebration! We wish the two of you the best of luck and many many years of happiness to come

      What's Going on in July

      We wish the best to all of our members that  celebrated/ are celebrating their birthdays in July!


      Carlos Campos-Alpha Mu- Texas A&M university at Kingsville

      Andres Lopez-Videla-Alpha Omicron- University of Texas at Dallas

      Billy Macklin-Tau- University of Texas at Arlington

      Juvy Martinez-Tau- University of Texas at Arlington


      We are Still Seeking to fill 2 Seats

      Thank you to all of the brothers that have taken up the call to join the DFWAA leadership in 2022. We still have a few spots and committees still open. If you are interested in joining the leadership team, reply to this email for more info.

      Community Engagement Chair (Social Chair) (OPEN)Seeking Candidate
      Plans social events, and membership Drive events

      Historian (OPEN)Seeking Candidate
      Documents events by taking photos and attendance sign in. Collects photos from brothers for monthly newsletters

      Social Media Coordinator (OPEN) - assist with social media presence over Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok if you're feeling Gen Z enough

      2022 School Supply Drive Time!

       The DFWAA back to school supply drive is beginning. This year we will be selecting a elementary school in Ft. Worth to support with much needed supplies for the upcoming school year. Keep a lookout for more information. To make a donation now, click here

      Or send us a donation via VENMO:  @dfwodphi

      Thank you all for your support!



      JULY 14-17

      The biennial National Conference offers a unique opportunity for members of Omega Delta Phi Fraternity, Inc. of all ages from many parts of the world to meet in the true spirit of brotherhood. The conference has three main responsibilities and powers.

      Educate the membership base on entity operation fundamentals.

      Provide a space for brothers to reconnect while connecting with new brothers for the first time.

      Celebrate the success and progress of our brotherhood that occurred within this past year.

      Alumni Track + Golf Tournament

      In the past, alumni would register for conference but not gain anything out of the weekend. This year, there is a track dedicated to Alumni. This track is a mix of brotherhood “reunion” activities, workshops, and a chance to learn more about the vision for the Alumni Engagement. An optional golf tournament is taking place on Friday 7/15 at Hermann Park Golf Course.

       Click here to learn more 


       click here to learn about sponsorship opportunities

    5. Wednesday, July 06, 2022 8:00 PM | Anonymous

      KDChi GREEK Field Day

      SAT. July 23rd

      Who: All DFWAA Friends and Family are welcome to join our squadWhat: GREEK FIELD DAY RSVP hereWhen:  Saturday July 23rdWhere: 2615 Elm St, Dallas, TX 75226

      More info to come: What we  know now is:

      Teams will be of 6 players.

      9 field day games that are quick and simple. There is tug-a-war, but there is some favorites of hacky sack and frog leap.

      Team fee will be $87. Which includes an event tshirt, color bandana and food.

      Non-participants can watch and enjoy food with a $5 donation.

      RSVP HERE!

      Who: All DFWAA Friends and Family are welcome. What: Brunch in Deep Ellum at Electric ShuffleWhen:  Sunday, July 24thWhere: 2615 Elm St, Dallas, TX 75226

      RSVP HERE!


      Now Accepting Omega Scholarship Fund Donations


      Monthly DFWAA Meeting

      Tuesday July 12th  7:30PM

      What: Monthly DFWAA Meeting

      2022 When: Tues, July 12th  7:30PM-8:30PM

      How: See our RSVP link for Google link

      Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar

      Details: Monthly chapter meeting for event planning held the 2nd Tuesday of each month. 

      Coming up Next Month

      School Supply Drive and Summer BBQ

      Saturday August 6th

      We are wrapping up our school supply drive with a drop off event at Billy Macklin's house. You can bring items in person or choose to donate via the options below

      To make a donation now, click here

      Or send us a donation via VENMO:  @dfwodphi

      Thank you for your support!

      Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty Advisors

      Friday, October 7th 8:00 AM

      What: 19th Annual Knights Classic Sponsored by Liberty Realty AdvisorsWho: EveryoneWhen: Friday, October 7th 8:00 AMDetails: 19th Annual Charity Golf Tournament to raise scholarship funds for Undergraduate College Students and College-Bound High School Seniors living in the DFW Metroplex.

      To sign up and play or to become a sponsor at Knights Classic, Click HERE 

    6. Wednesday, March 09, 2022 9:54 AM | Anonymous

      This Month's Newsletter is sponsored by the ODPhi San Antonio Alumni Association. Thank you brothers for your continued support! We can't wait to see y'all for the 4 Links Classic Golf Tournament next month! Sign up Today! 

      Want Monthly event reminders? Join our Remind Text Group here >  https://www.remind.com/join/6k8hd6

      Please enjoy our March Newsletter below:

      See how to claim your 2022 Limited Edition Leather Patch Membership Hats below!

      Membership is Just a Click Away!

      Renew your Membership today and receive the below additional Perks!

      1) New Alumni- $10.00 Annual:

       (Includes 2022 Challenge Coin, Free or Discounted Entry to DFWAA Monthly Events, DFWAA Letter and SWAG ITEM)

      2) Active Knight- $40.00 Annual:

       (Above Perks + Community Service T-Shirt)

      3) Charitable Knight- $100.00 Annual

       (Above Perks + DFWAA Hat)

      4) Hype Knight- $10.00 Monthly Automatic Recurring Payments

       (Above Perks)

      5) 1987 Club- $19.87 Monthly Automatic Recurring Payments

       (Above Perks + 2 Tickets to June Gala)

      6) Compassionate Knight or Business Partner- $200.00 Annual

       (Above Perks)



      Chairman Message:

      Happy March Everyone! I love this time of year as the sun ventures out more and more each day. Its time to stretch those leg and touch grass, now that the winter season is almost behind us.

      More importantly, its time to come hang out with your favorite DFW alumni association!

      We have always said that ODPhi is not a 4 year organization, it is a brotherhood for life. But that can only remain true if we can continue to have new brothers come out and support of our Alumni Association.

      The brothers of the DFWAA are 100% volunteers that put in their 40 hours, then turn around and pour hours of love and hard work to ensure you will always have a family and support in the DFW. With all the efforts that we put into this organization, our victories will be short lived, if we remain reliant on a dedicated few.

      That being said, We NEED your help!

      Reach out to your pledge brothers and line brothers in the DFW. If you have a passion for this brotherhood and helping the community, please reach out. We have a place for you and would love to help you find an outlet to show your support.

      Thank you once again to all of you that have supported our organization,  I hope that you all are enjoying your year so far, and may your team have the best of luck as March Madness ramps up!

      Yours in Service and Brotherhood,

      Mike Dominguez

      February Wrap Up:


      Thank you to those of y'all that were able to make it out to our Deep Ellum Distillery Happy Hour! Though the sudden cold snap threatened to cancel our event, we had a great time chatting with the ones that were able to venture out.

      Congratulations to our PlayStation 5 Raffle Winner, Misael Mondragon!!!

      We would like to thank everyone that supported us during our fundraising efforts so far this year! It is through your continued support that the DFWAA is able to continue to make a difference in our community through service and education of our future generations. Thank you.


      What's Going on in March

      We wish the best to all of our members that are celebrating their birthday's this March!

      Rodrigo Cantu - Xi Chapter (University of Oklahoma)

      Kellen Hernandez - Beta Mu Chapter (Our Lady of the Lake University)

      Alejandro Chavez - Alpha Chi Chapter (University of North Texas)

      Domingo “Nick” Ponce - Alpha Chapter (Texas Tech University)

      Farris Khammash - Alpha Omicron Chapter (University of Texas at Dallas)

      Join the DFWAA Exec!

      We are Still Seeking to fill 3 Seats!

      Thank you to all of the brothers that have taken up the call to join the DFWAA leadership in 2022. We still have a few spots and committees still open. If you are interested in joining the leadership team, reply to this email for more info.

      Community Engagement Chair (Social Chair) (OPEN): Seeking Candidate

      Plans social events, and membership Drive events

      Historian (OPEN): Seeking Candidate

      Documents events by taking photos and attendance sign in. Collects photos from brothers for monthly newsletters

      Social Media Coordinator (OPEN) - assist with social media presence over Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok if you're feeling Gen Z enough



      Back by Popular Demand!

      What: Virtual Happy Hour while learning to make 3 signature cocktails with the DFWAA! You do not want to miss out on this year's event!

      Who: DFWAA Active Members Ages 21+

      When: 7PM-9PM

      Where: Zoom Link  Provided TBA

      Details: RSVP Here

      ** Only the First 20 to RSVP in the DFW area will be guaranteed a mixology Kit delivered to their house. Mixology kits will contain all mixers needed to make 3 drinks, and a list of perishable items to buy prior to attending the event**

      Once Supplies run out, all others will be provided a shopping list in advance of the event.


      Now Accepting Omega Scholarship Fund Donations

      Next Month

      April Scarborough Fair Day!

      Date TBD

      Bring your family, Friends and/or significant other out for a day at Scarborough Renaissance Festival! Costumes encourage for the most hype among you.

      The DFWAA members will all be meeting to spend a day at the festival together, drinking mead, slaying dragons, and all a few guffaws along the way. More details to be announced over the next week.

      Thank you for your time in reading this newsletter. Have a great month and keep warm, everyone!

      One DFW,


    7. Monday, February 07, 2022 8:44 AM | Anonymous

      This Month's Newsletter is sponsored by My Bookkeeping Guy, LLC.

      Tax season is coming and if you are looking for tax services, give My Bookkeeping Guy, LLC a call for your tax preparation needs.

      My Bookkeeping Guy is a continued sponsor of the Knights Classic.

      Membership is Just a Click Away!

      Renew your Membership today and receive the below additional Perks!

      1) New Alumni- $10.00 Annual:

      (Includes 2022 Challenge Coin, Free or Discounted Entry to DFWAA Monthly Events, DFWAA Letter and SWAG ITEM)

      2) Active Knight- $40.00 Annual:

      (Above Perks + Community Service T-Shirt)

      3) Charitable Knight- $100.00 Annual

      (Above Perks + DFWAA Hat)

      4) Hype Knight- $10.00 Monthly Automatic Recurring Payments

      (Above Perks)

      5) 1987 Club- $19.87 Monthly Automatic Recurring Payments

      (Above Perks + 2 Tickets to June Gala)

      6) Compassionate Knight or Business Partner- $200.00 Annual

      (Above Perks)


      Chairman Message: 

      Happy February, Everyone! One month down, 11 more to go! Thank you to all of you that have already renewed your membership, and helped support us in our fundraising efforts so far this year. I had a great time meeting our Membership Wing night last month, and a fun first time supporting the Kick'n it With Tre Kickball Tournament in Houston. I hope that you all will continue to get involved in the DFWAA this year, and continue to let us know how we can improve.

      On a more serious note, as we get into the below freezing days ahead of us, I hope that you all keep safe and warm. Please stay off the icy roads when possible, and let us know if there is anything the DFWAA can do to help out.

      Yours in Service and Brotherhood,

      Mike Dominguez


      January Wrap Up:


      Eating Wings and Doing Big Things!

      Thanks to all of the brothers that were able to make it out to our Member Appreciation Wing Night. We had a great time catching up and talking about our plans for the DFWAA in 2022. Hope to see you all at the next event! 


      DFWAA members Kick it in Houston!

      Team "Not Last Place" (above)

      Team "Wreckin Balls" (above)

      Last month, the DFWAA sent out 2 teams to play in the Kickin' It with Tre Kickball Tournament. While we may not have come back with the Championship Trophy, we had a great time meeting up with brothers from accross the state in this annual tournament. Check out their Instagram for more pictures!  To donate to The Tre Day Foundation click here.

      Last month, the DFWAA sent out 2 teams to play in the Kickin' It with Tre Kickball Tournament. While we may not have come back with the Championship Trophy, we had a great time meeting up with brothers from accross the state in this annual tournament. Check out their Instagram for more pictures!  To donate to The Tre Day Foundation click here.

      What's Going on in February

      We wish the best to all of our members that are celebrating their birthday's this February! 

      Zach Dominguez - Alpha Chapter

      Diego Lopez - Alpha Omicron Chapter

      Gerardo Padierna - Sigma Chapter

      Matthew Olvera - Alpha Chapter

      Join the DFWAA Exec!

      We are Still Seeking to fill 2 Seats! 

      Thank you to all of the brothers that have taken up the call to join the DFWAA leadership in 2022. We still have a few spots and committees still open. If you are interested in joining the leadership team, reply to this email for more info.

      Community Engagement Chair (OPEN)Seeking Candidate
      Plans social events, and membership Drive events

      Historian (OPEN)Seeking Candidate
      Documents events by taking photos and attendance sign in. Collects photos from brothers for monthly newsletters

      February Happy Hour

      Thursday Feb. 17th

      Details: February is for Lovers, and Lovers of Fine Spirits! Come hang out with the DFWAA in Deep Ellum on Feb 17th!

      All are welcome to join us.

      Deep Ellum Distillery

      2880 Clover St, Dallas, TX 75226

      Our PS5 Raffle Ends this Month!

      Our PS5 Raffle Ends this Month!

      Still trying to get your hands on the elusive PS5?!? The DFWAA has one in our possession and would be happy to put it in your hands. Grab your tickets today!

      DFWAA will deliver PS5 to winner in the DFW, or ship within the USA if needed.

      For Zelle Ticket Sales, please include your Email address in the memo on your payment, or reply to this email with a screenshot of your confirmation.

      Monthly DFWAA Meeting

      Tuesday Feb. 8th

      What: Monthly DFWAA Meeting

      2022 When: Tues, Feb 8th  8PM-9PM

      How: See our RSVP link for Google link

      Calendar: Click to add to your Google Calendar

      Details: Monthly chapter meeting for event planning held the 2nd Tuesday of each month. 

      Next Month 


      2021 Event Group Photo (above)

      Back by Popular Demand!

      What:Virtual Happy Hour while learning to make 3 signature cocktails with the DFWAA! You do not want to miss out on this year's event!

      Who: DFWAA Active Members Ages 21+

      When: 7PM-9PM

      Where: Zoom Link Provided TBA

      Details: RSVP Here

      ** Only the First 20 to RSVP in the DFW area will be guaranteed a mixology Kit delivered to their house. Mixology kits will contain all mixers needed to make 3 drinks, and a list of perishable items to buy prior to attending the event**

      Once Supplies run out, all others will be provided a shopping list in advance of the event.


      Congratulations to January's Raffle Winner: Jose Lara!!!

      Your Prize is a $25 Gift Card to Starbucks, Thanks for participating, and good luck with your New Year's resolution to "Get Rich Like Long Le!"

      We wish you the best of luck in achieving that Long Le Life, Brother!

      Thank you for your time in reading this newsletter. Have a great month and keep warm, everyone!

      One DFW,


    ODPHI DFW Alumni, PO Box 142951, Irving, Texas 75014, 507-400-1987

    Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software